Christmas Party

Guest121917-1's Avatar
I'm thinking of hosting one. Ideally would weekend or weekday work better??
playnudeinthesun's Avatar
Weekday for me pretty lady.
Anytime, baby!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Depends onna time o' tha day, too. Aftanoons durin' tha week is best fo' meh.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Evening, anytime sweetie!

3daygetaway's Avatar
1st, 3rd, 5th weekends and Thursday nights are times we divorcees have our kids. For me, a Wednesday night is golden
nastashastacks's Avatar
I would love to join! I have an open schedule, if you need any help let me know!
& it would be a pleasure to meet you as well
DG, Weekday evenings are best for me. If you need any help with anything don't hesitate to ask! Looking forward to it.
If I come I am not bringing any condoms. I might bring some snow though.
I want an invite.
Wiley Fuchs's Avatar
Please invite me. It has been a while since I have been to a hobby-related social event.

The best days and times avoid Austin traffic, otherwise I am flexible.
I'm Fun Can I come?
Greystoke's Avatar
I would love to go, how about a poker game?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Likker inna front, poker inna rear?