Old P411 worth it?

Providers - I've got an old P411 account I haven't used in 7 years. Would it be worth it to reactivate in this new enhanced world of scrutiny & safety?
Britttany_love's Avatar
Not unless you have ladies you've seen recently that are on p411 that can provide you with okays. It's the same thing as having an eccie account here if you dont have recent activity and no provider references you wont pass a lot of ladies screening. Having a p411 account doesn't mean you are safe to see. It just means you went through a very light screening process and passed based on what p411 thinks is safe. Everyone screens differently and some girls require more than what p411 does.
Dev Null's Avatar
I've never gone 7 years without recent p411 okays, but I've found after a year or two, you can still get dates.

Send out an appointment request and find out. You only need an okay or two, and then you'll be back in the game. Maybe not everyone, but some gals will see it as a sign of credibility.

I think it's well worth the expense, based on my own experience at least. You're kind of lucky to still be able to, since they're not accepting new accounts right now. If my understanding is correct.

Honestly, probably half of the gals that I've contacted on p411 never even bothered to check my profile/okays. They must have just figured I was okay since I contacted them from there.
Agent220's Avatar
I think it's still worth it especially if you travel to different cities and states.

With the current situation as well as January 2019, there's no telling if this site or others will go dark again.
The screening process with P411 is anything but light for clients. Background check, 2 forms of ID, drivers license and whatever else you're willing to send Social Security card? Job employment verification W-2, or recent pay and the names better match.

To answer the question is it still worth it Yes. One of the new features will be the ability to send out a link to non- P411 girls. This will provide in my case my photo, detailed client profile. Dozens of Okays with the providers name and picture. Whenever i currently request a date with an existing P411 provider I have received zero pushback. Some of you girls on ECCIE are asking for real names? Get real. I counted 25 girls I recognize that are also on P411 I will see them rather then let you others pull me around by a certain part of my body.
Not unless you have ladies you've seen recently that are on p411 that can provide you with okays. It's the same thing as having an eccie account here if you dont have recent activity and no provider references you wont pass a lot of ladies screening. Having a p411 account doesn't mean you are safe to see. It just means you went through a very light screening process and passed based on what p411 thinks is safe. Everyone screens differently and some girls require more than what p411 does. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Not exactly true... there are lots of p411 companions that see clients with just membership and don't require ok's.
It's why they have the "member +2" or whatever # a companion requires.
Then obviously you would have current ok's after.
Little Monster's Avatar
If you're well known, then that site is nothing but a waste of of money. Better off spending it on booze & hookers.
Britttany_love's Avatar
The screening process with P411 is anything but light for clients. Background check, 2 forms of ID, drivers license and whatever else you're willing to send Social Security card? Job employment verification W-2, or recent pay and the names better match.

To answer the question is it still worth it Yes. One of the new features will be the ability to send out a link to non- P411 girls. This will provide in my case my photo, detailed client profile. Dozens of Okays with the providers name and picture. Whenever i currently request a date with an existing P411 provider I have received zero pushback. Some of you girls on ECCIE are asking for real names? Get real. I counted 25 girls I recognize that are also on P411 I will see them rather then let you others pull me around by a certain part of my body. Originally Posted by zmonator
I have heard from numerous clients that joined that they barely had to show a photo copy of a paystub or a simply photo copy of a w-2 (easily faked as some hookers do it for apartments..etc) along with a photo of their drivers license and they were allowed to join. They dont do strict background checks nor do they require your social security etc. A few of these guys are self employed.. so who verified them? If you own your own business you can't call someone else to say your legit!! Come on now! That's why so many cops and dangerous clients, sex offenders etc have gotten on the site and through this "tough" screening. We ladies get notifications about these accounts. P411 is not going to shell out money and run a background check on every client that signs up. She doesnt require this for the ladies who have free memberships so she makes the gents the bread and butter of her site provide all you said above? Nope! P411 even has a sticky telling the ladies to do further screening as they just get the basics and that by having a membership it does not mean the client is safe to see.

So you are complaining about providing a single eccie girl with your name, a copy of your DL, work verification etc.. yet you will send it to an ex provider that is running a verification site for escorts and clients.? The only ladies I know that require this information are for newbie clients that have no references. If you have references then you dont have to supply any real world info period (at least for me) as I just want to check your references. You are sending all your info to be stored on a database. This info is stored because when we ladies recently had to send in age verification I have the email where she said in her words they need it for their records. So you would rather have all of your info stored with p411 but 1 lady quickly skimming it for verification is not safe? You said above that you could send you picture and info to non verified p411 ladies.. why would you be comfortable doing that but complaining about sending said info to legit reputable eccie girls asking for the same? Some how one is safer than the other?? Yes we all know they are out of Canada but if they were immune to US laws and trouble why are they now running their site in compliance with the new sesta and fosta laws? Starting January the site changes.. why would they need to change if they are in and hosting their site in Canada where prostitution is legal?

No one is pulling you around or forcing you to do anything.. quit being so dramatic. The ladies that require certain things for screening have them clearly listed for you to see. You make the decision to contact the lady and supply them or you simply move on. No big deal.. you keep making it a big deal because you dont want to supply it. That's fine move on to another girl who doesnt need/want it and go on with your day. I don't sit around crying about things that I dont like/wont do I just move on.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Not exactly true... there are lots of p411 companions that see clients with just membership and don't require ok's.
It's why they have the "member +2" or whatever # a companion requires.
Then obviously you would have current ok's after. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
Exactly that's why I said you won't pass many girls screening.. I didnt say all. Just like there are numerous girls here and other sites that will see any dude with money and they don't screen. Didn't say you wouldn't get bites from ladies on p411. I was simply saying that if you want to pay the $100 plus membership fee just to get your p411 account back that to keep in mind that if you didnt have recent okays that not all girls are going to see you. Just because you have an account doesnt mean every single girl is going to see you because you have one. Your choices are going to be limited until you build up your okays and why spend the money when you have the same odds contacting providers through eccie etc. I mean if you want to throw money away for the unknown go for it. I'd rather save my money than pay it to get more no's than yes's when you can do they same thing via eccie for free.
It's your playground sweetheart you get to make your rules. I've been on P411 since they started maybe they have changed their client requirements? You don't have to sign up every year.

Regarding you're blowing off having to provide real names (so you can plug them into verifyhim.com which mines data from P411, TER etc. well I'm not going to set myself up for blackmail. Can you absolutely guaranty me that won't happen? Or am I just being overly dramatic as you like to put it. You seem to have a P411 grudge? Maybe because you don't quite measure up?
Britttany_love's Avatar
I don't have a grudge against p411 whatsoever I enjoy p411 as one screening tool available to me. I just speak the straight truth and dont sugar coat any bullshit. I have a grudge because I said you are in now way better protected by sharing your real world info to p411 than you are with an independent provider. They do save the screening information that they have on clients as they save the drivers license verification of all ladies they require. So if you think they don't you are fooling yourself and giving a false sense of security. Why? It's called saving their ass legally if shit
happens. I've been on p411 since 2008 it's always been the same verification etc for the clients, they have only started requiring age verification for the ladies.

I'm not blowing off anything to do with providing real names. You as the client choose to provide it to the ladies who require it or you don't. You are making it a big deal. No one is forcing you to hand it over with a gun to your head. You say no thank you I'm not comfortable with that an move on. If you contact a lady and that's what she requires then follow the rules or dont reach out to her period. Posting about it over and over doesnt change anything and yes it makes you look quite dramatic.

I personally dont use verifyhim.com nor would I post a clients real name unless it was a real threat/danger situation (stalking, rape, physical assault etc). I will however
post your hobby handle if you are a problem client. This information would be shared privately with the ladies and not the board. Ladies are not allowed to post p411 handles of any gentlemen on any site. Doing so will have the lady removed from the p411 Gina's rules. I screen with verifiable references or as I have it clearly posted alternative screening. I say what I need from you and those can either go with it or not. If you have references nothing else is required. I have only had 2 clients not want to provide alternative screening, it was no big deal I told them to reach out to me when they have references. 1 came back and said you know what fuck it let's go through with the verification because I really want to meet. The other came back with references. If I cant verify you I won't see you. I work from my personal space have for 10 years, so you have as much real world information about me as I would require you provide if you didnt have references. I screening newbies on a daily basis with real world information. There is not one who would say that I have ever shared their information or put their life in jeopardy. I can tell you for a fact that I dont save your info.

Blackmail? I dont play those games.. I'm sure some shady hookers have but I don't. I actually care about the reputation I have worked for over the years and dont care to tarnish it over a little bullshit. You short me, ncns, waste my time etc. I will notify the ladies of your handle.. but going to the extreme of posting your real world information publicly because of it.. nope I can guarantee you that I won't.

Not sure what's up with the don't measure up comment. Don't measure up to what? I'm a long standing aspd, eccie, oh2 and p411 provider, I have a stellar reputation i've earned, consistently well reviewed. I'm honest, straight foward, helpful to both ladies and gentlemen in the community when I can be and a no bullshit kind of girl. I might not be your cup on tea but I measure up quite nicely.
For me it helped. I didn't want to write intimate reviews on here and collect references. However, I still ran into quite a few that wanted ok's, I'D, references, and work info. Boggles my mind, like who the fuck are you? For me its a turn off. I ask myself, how much information am I willing to give to an escort that I myself know absolutely nothing about.

Remember, there is a lot of drugs and other organized crime revolving around many escorts, who you yourself know nothing about besides some internet review. In the end of the day, its us forking over the cash, and I'm fine sending it somewhere who isn't a info nazi.
hunglowandbig's Avatar
Lol are we men really this desperate to send in all that private info t?
Providers - I've got an old P411 account I haven't used in 7 years. Would it be worth it to reactivate in this new enhanced world of scrutiny & safety? Originally Posted by Thehardcase3
Worth it!
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 08-07-2018, 08:04 PM
Liz speaks the truth!