Posting in Censored Environment

Whispers's Avatar
Some questions about guidelines and recent comments in regards to enforcement.

First Question (feel free to join in)

.....As I stated earlier.... unnecessary rudeness, insults, and personal attacks have no place here and violators will continue to see consequences...

Originally Posted by ztonk

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
Originally Posted by St.Christopher in Posted Guidelines
Is there some test or standard for what constitutes "unprovoked rudeness to others" or "unnecessary rudeness" or is this being left up to the personal opinions of staff across the country?

Since the guideline still contains the "unprovoked" term there must be acceptable cases of a member being rude to another member.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rhetorical question?
sue_nami's Avatar
The answer is so simple. JUST BE NICE, just be kind. as in real life, here in coed, tolerance is easy, simply ignore what is not your deal or an area of interest to you and let the folks be themselves and enjoy this site without being rude to them. no need to be mean here.
Whispers's Avatar
Question #2 In reference to a thread posted long before the new standards that has been removed from view to the trash bin.

So did you delete that thread ztonk? Originally Posted by Kickrocks

If they get bumped, yes.

No complaint or RTM necessary. If a thread that is in violation of the guidelines appears, it will be addressed and there will be consequences.

This should be a clear indication how seriously the site admins are taking cases of unnecessary rudeness, insulting remarks, and harassment of others.

Originally Posted by ztonk
ECCIE, as it has existed for many years before now, is a fantastic example of uncensored content regarding prostitution and the people that engage on both sides of the transaction.

That has not evolved without a lot of heated debate and insults being hurled as "sensibilities" were offended.

In the current environment those threads can be eradicated by simply bumping them? I think you may see a trend of WK Do Gooders and prostitutes posting as others trying to remove material that they find offensive or suits their needs using that.

I know it involves more work, but to preserve the content that has lasted here for many years as well as built ECCIE to the place, wouldn't the act of "moderation" be a more acceptable solution rather than the removal and remodeling of what ECCIE has been?

Using the above referenced thread as an example. You delete the posts that bumped the thread and then lock it so it falls back in place as a historical item.
sue_nami's Avatar
we do not need a historical item preserved of you attacking me with outright lies and misinformation. when a thread was originally started to bully and harass someone and it gets bumped to do it some more, it should be put into the recycle bin and removed from public view. there is no need to tolerate bullying from the past or in the present. I applaud their intent to make eccie a more diverse and tolerant place where all are comfortable to participate and not be singled out for harassment.
Whispers's Avatar
The answer is so simple. JUST BE NICE, just be kind. as in real life, here in coed, tolerance is easy, simply ignore what is not your deal or an area of interest to you and let the folks be themselves and enjoy this site without being rude to them. no need to be mean here. Originally Posted by sue_nami
YOUR answer is NOT the answer to the question being asked nor is COED the only forum in which enforcement of new directives is taking place.

You post threads that deal with sexual practices that some people find disgusting. You post them as a form of advertising your availability for those sessions. You cry out "Be tolerant"...

Other people have views of those behaviors and the desire to express them but "being tolerant" to you and others seems to involve "You don't want to hear their opinions on this".

Where is the tolerance for their opinions?
Whispers's Avatar
we do not need a historical item preserved of you attacking me with outright lies and misinformation. when a thread was originally started to bully and harass someone and it gets bumped to do it some more, it should be put into the recycle bin and removed from public view. there is no need to tolerate bullying from the past or in the present. I applaud their intent to make eccie a more diverse and tolerant place where all are comfortable to participate and not be singled out for harassment. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Well of course you do. You get information damaging to your business removed without the typical need to service a staff member for free.
gfejunkie's Avatar
there must be acceptable cases of a member being rude to another member. Originally Posted by Whispers
Why would anybody want that?

sue_nami's Avatar
your so called information equals outright lies in this instance. information should be true and not malicious lies spread to harass someone with absolutely no basis in reality. you might have "serviced" staff members to get things done here but I have never heard of that being an option. did it work for you before?
Whispers's Avatar
Why would anybody want that? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I'm not implying that it is wanted.

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences. Originally Posted by St.Christopher in Posted Guidelines
It seems to be addressed that there is "understanding" yet it appears the new marching orders can easily lead to someone getting pointed and/or banned.

A desire to understand what standards may be in place exists in more than a few.

There are those that find EVERYTHING someone says to be rude or offensive right?
gfejunkie's Avatar
There are those that find EVERYTHING someone says to be rude or offensive right? Originally Posted by Whispers
In your case, yes.
Whispers's Avatar
your so called information equals outright lies in this instance. information should be true and not malicious lies spread to harass someone with absolutely no basis in reality. you might have "serviced" staff members to get things done here but I have never heard of that being an option. did it work for you before? Originally Posted by sue_nami
I find your suggestion that I may have serviced staff members here to be unprovoked, rude and a personal attack. More than one staff member has been replaced over the years and some still exist in place that trade sexual favors with prostitutes for protection.

The board has seldom got in the middle of what men say about prostitutes and what the prostitutes rebut in regards to services provided. Both sides have been allowed their say without any staff rulings/judgement.

Your suggesting that a prostitute should be allowed to state something is not true and have it summarily removed from the board. There ARE boards that cater to that as well as staff members that have in the past.

If that standard were to be in place the site would rapidly become as useless as many other sites to the most frequent users.
How many threads are allowed on the first page by the same poster before it's considered spamming? That's a lifetime ban, correct?
Precious_b's Avatar
I find your suggestion that I may have serviced staff members here to be unprovoked, rude and a personal attack. More than one staff member has been replaced over the years and some still exist in place that trade sexual favors with prostitutes for protection.
... Originally Posted by Whispers
You got me baffled there.
What was rude about it?
You put the trade-for-sex sentence right after it for what reason? She did not say you did.

Actually surprised you responded to a tactic that you use on others. But I know you are trying to make a point. To me, it failed to hit the mark.

I was thinking she made reference to one of those many lunches you have with owners/upper operators of this site and possibly picking up the tab. You do make more than a passing mention to your largess in such matters.
Whispers's Avatar
Those days are far in the past and lack relevance for a few years now. Freshen your game please.