Case in Point

winn dixie's Avatar
The hypocrisy in bullying,

With all the new enforcement rules to protect the alleged bullied and insulted people. I have a question ! Will this be enforced equally?
Case in point. In my opinion, supported with pages of facts here on eccie. Has there ever been anyone more bullied and insulted than Whispers? I think not !!Like him or hate him he promotes discussion and view counts. Whispers cannot post without being "cyber stalked" and have negative and insulting things posted about him. Again there are pages of proof! If you do not like what he says than ignore him. There has not been anyone that has had the amount of negativity posted against them like Whispers has!
So will admin and staff enforce the rules on those that continually bash Whispers? We will see...
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Whispers in many wanta to be attacked. There have been cases where he has set things up so either he will be attacked or is attacking someone else. He has also been know to get with providers to set up many drama threads. Remember the 10 threads that ask "how much would you pay such-n-such provider"? He cooked up that little drama with one of the providers he was attacking. I don't believe for one second that he is to bothered by the bullying. It may be that he has cooked up both followers and haters to look like that on the board but in reality he's got these same people on speed dial. After I learned a fee things about some of the drama threads and who was behind it I call all of it a sham. People love the lie. Not the reality of the truth.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-15-2018, 08:10 PM
I have a question ! Will this be enforced equally? Originally Posted by winn dixie

winn dixie's Avatar

OOpseee!!Very interesting response on the new language to be used!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-15-2018, 10:34 PM
you know, WD, you seem to be going down a very similar path to what SL did when he felt the need to get up in the face of mod(s) in KC.

Do you not think the W can take care of himself? Do you think he has suddenly become overly sensitive?
I doubt he has.

So then why have you become a WK for him?
winn dixie's Avatar
you know, WD, you seem to be going down a very similar path to what SL did when he felt the need to get up in the face of mod(s) in KC.

Do you not think the W can take care of himself? Do you think he has suddenly become overly sensitive?
I doubt he has.

So then why have you become a WK for him?
Originally Posted by Old-T
I made my point , and you know what it was. Whispers has many members that mainly post only after he has. And those posts are mainly insults directed towards him. They are not hard to find. Of some of those posters, a very large percentage of their posts are directed at whispers. And you yourself ol' t mainly post only after certain members post!
Again Whispers can take care of himself, but I wanted to make a point! And I did !
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-16-2018, 09:31 AM
You certainly did.
As did I.

I would expect future attacks against W will be treated similarly to future attacks directed against anyone else.

However attacks directed at the ideas W puts forth are not the same as attacks directed at him. Anyone who posts strongly worded opinions and ideas should not be surprised if others take exception to them.
Treetop78759's Avatar
You certainly did.
As did I.

I would expect future attacks against W will be treated similarly to future attacks directed against anyone else.

However attacks directed at the ideas W puts forth are not the same as attacks directed at him. Anyone who posts strongly worded opinions and ideas should not be surprised if others take exception to them.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Way to word him down brother. Together we can tighten the screws and prove THEY are wrong in order to make this place hospitable once again.

When I travel to KC next week I wanna buy you dinner so we can finally meet.
Whispers's Avatar
However attacks directed at the ideas W puts forth are not the same as attacks directed at him. Originally Posted by Old-T
Fortunately...... Most can't get over their emotions and attack me as a person ignoring subject matter of the thread. There WAS a time a few yeas ago that this met with points and eventual banning and I enjoyed seeing it enforced.

As it was enforced less and less some of the fun slipped away.

I can maintain my calm and stick to subject matter without getting personal when needed.

Obviously it will be needed from here on out.

Time will tell if there is enforcement in a fair manner.
DocHolyday's Avatar

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk
Thanks Z.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-16-2018, 09:08 PM
When I travel to KC next week I wanna buy you dinner so we can finally meet. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I would gladly meet you for dinner some time. I am sure it would be an interesting experience.

However I do not understand why you think I will be in KC next week. Nice town with some awesome ladies, but I don't get there more than once or twice a year.
A 25 word limit on all posts would help. No more epic diarrhea please.
That may have been unnecessarily rude sir, please refresh yourself with the guidelines.

Have a nice day!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-17-2018, 10:07 AM
A 25 word limit on all posts would help. No more epic diarrhea please. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Maybe you should ask for an "Ignore posts over 25 words" opt-in. It might solve that problem.

That may have been unnecessarily rude sir, please refresh yourself with the guidelines.

Have a nice day! Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Don't be harsh--rude can be independent of lenght.
No doubt, but I was referring to the diarrhea reference.