Mods. do not have to be respnsible?

winn dixie's Avatar

St. C this needs your attention please! I have sent you 2 pm's!

I was singled out and called a racist by a mod. for no reason! There had not even been race issues raised in this thread! I asked for an apology but he will not do so! That is all i'am asking for! I'am highly offended and the mod. says it is all my misinterpretation! If I offended a mod like this or anyone I would be pointed! I have the points to prove it! Is this the way moderation is supposed to be?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I read the whole thread, and you were not called a racist. I see where you are inferring that, but the Mod had already explained his use of the word "you" earlier in the thread, to mean everyone. your own post (later) spurred him to post "you cannot make racial generalizations..." after you insinuated Mods could make generalizations.

we can go back and forth about why he inserted the word "racial", but I think it was used as a natural prefix to "generalizations", and not directed at you, but at YOU.. the collective "we".
winn dixie's Avatar
Yes, but when another mod. Wake-up has stated in the political forums that when we use you your you're etc. that can be interpreted as a direct threat! Regardless, if I post something offensive I get pointed! I was offended and in todays time being called a racist can be very damaging! Cryptkicker should apologize....... There was no basis for that comparison and he should have known better!
KayC_K's Avatar
I read the thread and got to the part that stated specific reasons that the viewership and forum posts had declined. I got that it seemed to point the finger at the lack of avenues for us girls to announce themselves as present since weekly update ads can't be actually updated but one time, but that other reasons could be how tense everyone is around topics that bring about cultural differences. Knowing what we've all seen happen I don't think the mods who responded were saying specifically to the one speaking that he was a bully, they were giving the basis of his argument a solid reason for not having weight. They were saying "if you have to comment consider the audience and don't always speak just to have an opinion", but had to use the reflexive pronoun to make it grammatical.

that was my take on it.