LC Stu Scheller battalion commander...TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!!

This fine officer and battalion commander exposes the WOKE bunch of faux leaders that are in the process of destroying the country along with the safety and security of the world and our allies...THE LEFTWING IDEOLOGY IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO THE WORLD!!

Good evening, my name is Lieutenant Colonel Stu Scheller, USMC, and current commander for an advanced infantry training battalion. I’ve been in the Marine infantry for 17 years. I started my tour with Victor 1-8, that’s the current unit that’s doing perimeter security, dealing with the mess that’s going on there. You can see open-source reporting that there was an explosion and some people were killed. I know through my inside channels that one of the people that was killed was someone that I have a personal relationship with. I won’t go into more detail because the families are still being notified.

I’m not making this video because it’s potentially an emotional time. I’m making it because I have a growing discontent and contempt for my perceived ineptitude at the foreign policy level and I want to specifically ask some questions to some of my senior leaders. And I will say that as a person who’s not at 20 years, I feel like I have a lot to lose.

If you play chess, you can only see two-to-three moves out because there’s too many variables. I thought through ‘if I post this video, what might happen to me?’ especially if the video picks up traction, if I have the courage to post it. But I think what you believe in, can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk. So, if I’m willing to risk my current battalion commander seat, my retirement, my family’s stability to say some of the things I want to say. I think it gives me some moral high ground to demand the same honesty, integrity, accountability from my senior leaders.

I going to start with, and I’m just going to use the Marine Corps, my…we’ll just stick with the Marine Corps. In the current fallout of Afghanistan, a lot of Marines were posting on social media. In response to that the Commandant posted a letter, which is the service chief of the Marine Corps. (See the letter here.) I want to read from that. It was dated 18 August, so only a week ago. The Commandant…and sir, you wrote “Some of you may be struggling with the simple question ‘was it all worth it? We want you to know that your service is meaningful, powerful and important. You fought for the Marine to your left and the Marine to your right. You never let them down.”
Then you go on to say that if we’re struggling, we should seek counseling. Which, you know, I get it. People have killed people. I’ve killed people, and I seek counseling, and that’s fine. There’s a time and place for that.

But the reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member always rose to the occasion and has done extraordinary things. People are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘we messed this up.’

If an O-5 battalion commander has the simplest live fire incident, EO complaint. Boom. Fired. But we have a secretary of defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Forces could withstand the Taliban advance. We have Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs — who the commandant is a member of that — who’s supposed to advise on military policy. We have a Marine combatant commander. All of these people are supposed to advise.

And I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, “Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone.” Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, “We completely messed this up?”

I have some battalion commander friends right now that are posting some weird things, and they are saying, you know, wondering if all the lives were lost in vain, all those people we’ve lost over the last 20 years.

And it goes on to say that you’re all part of a chain, while every link may not be tested, the strength of the chain is only as strong and its links you’ve got to be a good link. Something like that.

But what I’ll say is, from my position, potentially all those people did die in vain if we don’t have senior leaders that own up and raise their hand and say ‘we did not do this well in the end,’” he said. “Without that we just keep repeating the same mistakes. This amalgamation of the economic/corporate/political/higher-military-ranks are not holding up their end of the bargain.

I want to say this very strongly: I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders ‘I demand accountability.”

This is what leadership is about. If senior officers are not willing to push back against their political masters by resigning in protest, if need be, they have broken faith with the troops whose lives depend upon their judgment and integrity. A point has been reached where the military rank structure has devolved into a bizarre perversion of what a military organization should look like. Now, the higher you move up in rank, the less accountability you have. Where a junior officer gets burned down for minor errors, the general officer corps has become a troop of macaque monkeys engaged in perpetual group grooming.

There is no doubt that the decision to abandon Bagram and rely on the kindness of the Taliban for security at Kabul was a political decision, because doing the job right would have required moving about a division or so to Afghanistan to ensure the evacuation site was secure. Unfortunately, the politics of the Biden cabal would not allow for that. So rather than fight for the safety of the troops and the people seeking evacuation, the military leadership simply became another tentacle of the Democrat party apparatus, and Marines and civilians were sacrificed in the service of making Biden look like he has a clue.
SplashyZebo's Avatar
Sounds like one long fake news post straight from Hannity's bunghole LOL

We love ya, President Biden --- keep wiping out the MAGA-Tards and send that scummy Trump Crime Family to prison, sir !!
Sounds like one long fake news post straight from Hannity's bunghole LOL

We love ya, President Biden --- keep wiping out the MAGA-Tards and send that scummy Trump Crime Family to prison, sir !! Originally Posted by SplashyZebo
Your quote:"We love ya, President Biden": THAT GROUP IS SHRINKING FAST!!

You're like the rest of the leftwing woke crowd...nothing but death, destruction and failed dismal ideology.
P.S. Keep posting as you exposing your lack of knowledge on this terrible failure.
SplashyZebo's Avatar
You're like the rest of the leftwing woke crowd...nothing but death, destruction and failed dismal ideology. Originally Posted by bb1961

Is that why us Mighty Dems keep WINNING all the elections and taking over deep red states like AZ and GA, dipshit?

LOL -- you MAGA Snowflakes are melting down over Big Bad Joe EMBARASSING your Orange Commie Fraud in the election and he's just getting started on wiping out that deplorable crime family and teaching you Low IQ right wingers to never mess with us!
You're can't argue the topic.
You just spew insults and vulgarity...not a surprise that EVERY post of yours is void of ANY semblance of cogent thought.
texassapper's Avatar
The LtCol has already been relieved of his command which he knew was going to happen. Only idiots do not see the significance of what he did. He threw away a 17 year career, pension, his profession in a simple ask that there be accountability at the General Officer level.

He's dead on.

If Pvt Snuffy fucks up he gets an article 15.... these flag officers have been screwing the pooch for the last decade... and there is ZERO accountability.

I'm certain we will see the LtCol in elected office very soon... you cannot fight the military from the inside.

Marine fired for slamming military over Afghan exit issues warning to superiors
texassapper's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Suggestion - put the 'so' 'baiter' on ignore.
Stupid fuck, there is a time for accountability... Now is not the time...

Too bad he is dumb and doesn't know there are things going on several pay grades above him.
Wasn't that blast from the past Standing Stupid from Pittsburgh? ..... I wonder if SplashyZebo is related to him? .....
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2021, 05:43 PM
'r' is incapable - as are all DPST lemmings - of understanding Character is the defense of teh Homeland
DPSTs do hate those who stand ready to shed blood to defend their Commie asses.
Stupid fuck, there is a time for accountability... Now is not the time...

Too bad he is dumb and doesn't know there are things going on several pay grades above him. Originally Posted by royamcr
He's commanded a brigade and had 17 years of service to his on the other hand call people falling to their deaths from a plane in abject fear for their lives..."dumbasses" You have some fucking nerve...
You have NO grasp of how terrible this situation is with the people running this country into the ground and the danger they have put Americans in and our allies.
This pissant is the worst individual to hold the office of POTUS.
Call it like I see em. Dumbfucks hang off the side of a plane then darwinism takes over. Don't really give a fuck what you think...

Fuck that country. Even trump says the US doesn't recognize them as a state...
Talking about dumbfucks jumping off a plane is off topic anyway.

The topic is an insubordinate moron that thinks he should have been personally consulted on any actions. Closing Bagram was decided by "top brass". Most likely many simulations were ran with and without it and it was decided to abandon the base in the interest of leaving that shit hole instead of escalating operations.

Only trumptards think that decisions like this are made on a "whim", and they are all Biden's ideas....

That moron describing it as a "mess" is stupid also. Ending a war is always a mess. I have no idea why he had to interject a "personal relationship", is he fucking one of the marines on the side or what? I am sure a lot of them develop friendships over the long time of a deployment.
You can't argue with stupidly...
I don't assault mental..."little people"