I thought discretion was the cardinal rule of this hobby? And how much information do you share bcd?

Even as a relative hobby novice I knew there was a single inviolable rule, hobbyist rely on providers to be discreet.

I was recently drawn into a messy hooker-trick squabble where said disgruntled trick having been fired by said hooker, instead of moving quietly off the stage, wanted to ruin her I guess for her other tricks. So he set about systematically approaching her other tricks, in what I can only guess was an attempt to exact some measure of revenge, ruin her brand, damage her good name and hurt her pocket book.

But castaway trick approached us tricks in good standing with OUR real world information, including field of employment, family dynamic, goals/plans for the future, things admittedly shared with said hooker(with hindsight a bad decision). Now I cannot say definitively how castaway trick came by this information, but the information was indeed accurate and the level of other bcd detail was uncomfortable almost to the point of embarrassing. And at this point said hooker's hacked email/text story doesn't really hold up to scrutiny.

Granted a lot of pillow talk goes on bcd. Information and opinions get shared, and there's no real way to prevent that from occurring.

I've been with girls who have freely given up their messy background information, and issues they've had or currently are having. I suppose everyone needs to vent every once in awhile. But I've also been with one girl in particular multiple times and I still know absolutely nothing about her life outside the hobby, which is also fine by me.

I suppose in the end it comes down to whatever level of sharing you feel comfortable with. But acknowledging the potential that some of it may come back to you in unanticipated or even uncomfortable ways.

Happy Hobbying!

Its always interesting to me the things a provider will tell you after you've paid her and busted a nut on her. I don't even tell them my real name meanwhile she's telling me all about her kids, parents, blah blah blah. I use every BCD experience as an opportunity to lie my ass off and see how big a line of bullshit she'll buy -- even with the girls I set up as SBs. In fact when my current SO and I started talking about getting together for real, I had to break it to her that she didn't know my name, occupation or even have my actual phone number.
Sounds like the lady burnt a lot of you. The ladies used to be much more discrete. Today, many of them will out your ass in a heartbeat. The difference is that in the past it would kill there business. Today, guys encourage it so they can get their drama fix.

You should name the lady so we can avoid her. Also, so you can protect the innocent providers. Based on your past posting history, a provider name immediately came to mind. Sure it will for others too. Is it her? Don't know. If it's not her, it sucks that people will think it is.
Mojojo's Avatar
You should name the lady so we can avoid her. Also, so you can protect the innocent providers. Based on your past posting history, a provider name immediately came to mind. Sure it will for others too. Is it her? Don't know. If it's not her, it sucks that people will think it is. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
You mean you want this so you can get a scoop of this too and speculate on what you don't know. Unfortunately we've had to squash some of this nonsense when offending hobbyist was trying to bring this to the board. In the end all this is a provider client relationship gone sour.

So we got a problem, provider tells hobbyist about another hobbyist........here's the solution. STFU!

If you're that concerned about someone saying something to someone else about you then don't say shit in the first place.
Talk about the weather, tv, food whatever just don't talk about your personal shit.
You mean you want this so you can get a scoop of this too and speculate on what you don't know. Unfortunately we've had to squash some of this nonsense when offending hobbyist was trying to bring this to the board. In the end all this is a provider client relationship gone sour.

So we got a problem, provider tells hobbyist about another hobbyist........here's the solution. STFU!

If you're that concerned about someone saying something to someone else about you then don't say shit in the first place.
Talk about the weather, tv, food whatever just don't talk about your personal shit. Originally Posted by Mojojo
No, I'm saying stop the speculation. I'm assuming the rest your mumbo jumbo is directed elsewhere because I never said shit about any providers sharing my information. I don't provide information that could be used against me to a person whose sole interest in me is my money.
In the end all this is a provider client relationship gone sour. Originally Posted by Mojojo

No, I'm saying stop the speculation.... Originally Posted by BFCjosh
Ok Josh, I'll do my best

The OP is correct about this quote below...
I was recently drawn into a messy hooker-trick squabble where said disgruntled trick having been fired by said hooker, instead of moving quietly off the stage, wanted to ruin her I guess for her other tricks. So he set about systematically approaching her other tricks, in what I can only guess was an attempt to exact some measure of revenge, ruin her brand, damage her good name and hurt her pocket book. Originally Posted by Island_Gent
As Mods we are privy to a lot of the BS that goes on behind the scenes via reported PM's, etc...

The part that is left up to who members choose to believe in this "He said, she Said" drama is the quote below from the OP's post...
But castaway trick approached us tricks in good standing with OUR real world information, including field of employment, family dynamic, goals/plans for the future, things admittedly shared with said hooker(with hindsight a bad decision). Now I cannot say definitively how castaway trick came by this information, but the information was indeed accurate and the level of other bcd detail was uncomfortable almost to the point of embarrassing. And at this point said hooker's hacked email/text story doesn't really hold up to scrutiny. Originally Posted by Island_Gent
Not calling him a liar but NO ONE, not even Moderators know what was said except IG and the Hooker & Trick involved in the drama...

@ IG...please be aware that ANY off the board shit in this messy Hooker/Trick drama stays, OFF THE BOARD!

Especially when dealing with personal information that may or may not be true

Eccie does not get involved with matters that take place "off the board", so don't bring it here

Some lessons that one might take away from this have already been said but I'll keep it Simple & Stupid, Marine Corps style...

You can only control what YOU are discreet about, so I'd keep as much personal info out of future sessions as possible, or just LIE about everything like Ender does

PAY them, FUCK them, and LEAVE it at that!!!

Don't get caught up...it never ends the way you'd like it to anyway
Guest010115-3's Avatar
I usually try to control the conversation to where no topic I don't want to discuss is discussed. Typically, I try to make a connection with everyone I meet, b it provider or civilian. And yeah, I apply my rules of discretion on info I give to the info I receive. If a provider tells me about her real life info, I will try my best not to share it here. Most people here do so to try and show how close they r. It's the 'provider likes me more than u so she told me more than she told u' type of thing. Men do it all the time.
Sounds like the lady burnt a lot of you. The ladies used to be much more discrete. Today, many of them will out your ass in a heartbeat. The difference is that in the past it would kill there business. Today, guys encourage it so they can get their drama fix.

You should name the lady so we can avoid her. Also, so you can protect the innocent providers. Based on your past posting history, a provider name immediately came to mind. Sure it will for others too. Is it her? Don't know. If it's not her, it sucks that people will think it is. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
wtf...don't waste time speculating. This was a cautionary tale. If you don't want your shit out there, don't put it out there! Word to the wise.
You mean you want this so you can get a scoop of this too and speculate on what you don't know. Unfortunately we've had to squash some of this nonsense when offending hobbyist was trying to bring this to the board. In the end all this is a provider client relationship gone sour.

So we got a problem, provider tells hobbyist about another hobbyist........here's the solution. STFU!

If you're that concerned about someone saying something to someone else about you then don't say shit in the first place.
Talk about the weather, tv, food whatever just don't talk about your personal shit. Originally Posted by Mojojo
A little more to it than that slick...but your point is valid.
Mojojo's Avatar
IG bro my comments not directed towards anyone specific just more of a generic statement. DeD or any mod will tell you this is a scenario that is way too common that we end up having to deal with here.

Every month without fail something happens where pillow talk tries to come onto the board or someone has an axe to grind because their off board personal relationship, whether it be friends or more, with a provider went bad.
it would seem not tooo long ago... a provider was told by another provider a hobbyist's name and she later mentioned his first name on here and shortly afterwards got a vacation

FACT: providers share info
FACT: you control what they can share by telling them or not telling them anything

If you have the name of this person who is outing and or researching others for this purpose.. report it to the mods.. if they have an account on here the mods will deal with it.. if they do not.. see if the mods are ok with posting non ECCIE member info so others will be warned
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Even as a relative hobby novice I knew there was a single inviolable rule, hobbyist rely on providers to be discreet.

I was recently drawn into a messy hooker-trick squabble where said disgruntled trick having been fired by said hooker, instead of moving quietly off the stage, wanted to ruin her I guess for her other tricks. So he set about systematically approaching her other tricks, in what I can only guess was an attempt to exact some measure of revenge, ruin her brand, damage her good name and hurt her pocket book.

But castaway trick approached us tricks in good standing with OUR real world information, including field of employment, family dynamic, goals/plans for the future, things admittedly shared with said hooker(with hindsight a bad decision). Now I cannot say definitively how castaway trick came by this information, but the information was indeed accurate and the level of other bcd detail was uncomfortable almost to the point of embarrassing. And at this point said hooker's hacked email/text story doesn't really hold up to scrutiny.

Granted a lot of pillow talk goes on bcd. Information and opinions get shared, and there's no real way to prevent that from occurring.

I've been with girls who have freely given up their messy background information, and issues they've had or currently are having. I suppose everyone needs to vent every once in awhile. But I've also been with one girl in particular multiple times and I still know absolutely nothing about her life outside the hobby, which is also fine by me.

I suppose in the end it comes down to whatever level of sharing you feel comfortable with. But acknowledging the potential that some of it may come back to you in unanticipated or even uncomfortable ways.

Happy Hobbying!

Originally Posted by Island_Gent
A wise hobbyist will limit the amount of pillow talk about his personal information.
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 01-12-2014, 10:27 AM
My identity was stolen of Facebook and Linkedin. Seriously...I don't know what you're talking about.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 01-12-2014, 12:26 PM
As the young folks would say: "Hobbyists be stupid!" SMH while LMFAO
DarthMaul's Avatar
DeD or any mod will tell you this is a scenario that is way too common that we end up having to deal with here.

Every month without fail something happens where pillow talk tries to come onto the board or someone has an axe to grind because their off board personal relationship, whether it be friends or more, with a provider went bad. Originally Posted by Mojojo
+ Infinity!!!!