What's in a name?

I tend to shy away from handle names like: LOVESTOSHITINYOURMOUTH or GREENRIVERKILLER or IHEARTJEFFREYDAHMER or HOOKERSREVIL or ALLWOMENSHOULDBEKILLED or WANNABUSTANUTONYOFACE... Ok..I haven't actually encountered any this bad (but close) and I'm always amazed when people think I'm uptight for declining a potential client based on their handle. Me? I just like Rod Stewart.( I'm normal.)
What's in a handle name and how did you get yours?
......it's late September and I really should be back at school."
....she's got Legs! ....and she knows how to use them!
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....she's got Legs! ....and she knows how to use them! Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
that's ZZ Top damn it! you're thinking of "hot legs, you're wearing me out, hot legs make me scream and shout...."
Have I told you lately that I love you....oops..wrong board
I don't know....
i choose my name because i thought it was funny. it may be a bit crass but i thought it was funny to say out loud. no intentions to live out my name. Just thought it was funny.
I know what you mean about handle names, Maggie. For instance, not sure I would see a Provider named ITCHYPUSSIE, CASHNDASH, TIDALFLO, CREAMPIESRME...you know? Lol...

If you've ever heard of Firesign Theatre and the album Proctor and Bergman did on the Rise and Fall of the Roaming Umpire, that's where my name cometh...
"Prolongus! Up with the cock?"
"Why yes, Virtuous Vagina Clitoria...I rose early..."
that's ZZ Top damn it! you're thinking of "hot legs, you're wearing me out, hot legs make me scream and shout...." Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Good Heavens....gasp...how on earth did I confuse a fellow Texan (Billy Gibbons) with a Brit? (oh yeah....posting while under-the-influence....jeeez..)
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I know what you mean about handle names, Maggie. For instance, not sure I would see a Provider named ITCHYPUSSIE, CASHNDASH, TIDALFLO, CREAMPIESRME...you know? Lol...

If you've ever heard of Firesign Theatre and the album Proctor and Bergman did on the Rise and Fall of the Roaming Umpire, that's where my name cometh...
"Prolongus! Up with the cock?"
"Why yes, Virtuous Vagina Clitoria...I rose early..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
Great answer.
  • Re
  • 09-28-2016, 01:36 AM
Nothing for me, I tend to disassociate my handles for online stuff with myself in any way I can.
Hmmmm. So should I change mine? It is because I graduated from Duke (which might make ladies more interested) but is taken far differently. I can't tell you the number of ladies so simply don't respond at all to my requests.
Neat topic! Besides the ones romanticizing misogynist serial killers, I'd totally be open to seeing "WannaBustANutOnYourFace" because I'm all about cum on my face.

Screening based on commentary on here is something I do. It hasn't come up for me where I explicitly ruled folks out solely on their handles. But there were times when I wasn't feeling someone's vibes and then their handle choice corroborated my choice to not proceed.
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  • L.A.
  • 09-29-2016, 04:04 PM


I went thru a lot of provider names that I thought were "interesting" If you're bored read them. Tried to be funny but you know.....