Rangers vs Blue Jays. Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!

I was think about watching the UFC fight this weekend but I think the Rangers Blue Jays series is going to have more entertaining fights in it. You know every player on the Blue Jays just can't wait to get even for that punch Odor hit Bautista with. The Blue Jays want to reclaim their manhood by showing all the drunken hockey fans is Toronto that they aren't whimps. The Rangers and their fans still want to get even for that playoff loss last year.

The Rangers are clearly the better team and should win the series. The thing the Rangers have to be careful of is that they don't get distracted by all the bad blood and lose their concentration. The Blue Jays would love to turn the series into a brawl and thrown the Rangers off their game. The most entertaining game could be the first one in Toronto. That's when all the drunken hockey fans will be screaming for revenge.

Don't be surprised if one of the Blues Jays hits a home run and then throws the bat 20 feet in the air just to say, Fuck You, In Your Face!
Last Ride's Avatar
GO Rangers! Banny has them believing and then actually doing it (winning when they are down by 2-4 runs).
Chung Tran's Avatar
good analysis.. the Rangers would do themselves right if they take the first 2 games at home.. that may possibly neutralize those rabid Toronto fans.. our pitchers need to neutralize Batista and Encarnacion.. they seem to be the 2 guys that fuck us over.
  • MRMR
  • 10-05-2016, 10:38 PM
Umps will be having a long talk with both sides that there is no slack in this series.
Pull BS and you are out.
Banny will keep us focused.
Actually think that Toronto will be the aggressor to which will hurt them.
Shep3.0's Avatar
I am ready for Odor vs Bautista II

Haven't been this excited about baseball in a while
I cannot recall in recent memory a playoff series with so much drama and bad blood.

I am seriously pissed they are playing at noon and 3pm. Any other top 5 media market gets a primetime slot with this storyline.
I am seriously pissed they are playing at noon and 3pm. Any other top 5 media market gets a primetime slot with this storyline. Originally Posted by dbjp101

That is because the TV ratings do not count when it comes to Canadian viewership, MLB would rather have 2 American cities playing in primetime.
Wells Bentley's Avatar
Rangers should win series, but baseball is a 162 game plus run. Lots of grinding it out involved. My only concern is the Rangers will exhaust themselves through all the emotion in this series and run out of gas to finish up to the big game.
That is because the TV ratings do not count when it comes to Canadian viewership, MLB would rather have 2 American cities playing in primetime. Originally Posted by davidfree986

They were given that timeslot before Toronto beat Baltimore.
Will Boner's Avatar
First, nail Bautista with first pitch while both teams even. Send a message.
Second, first Ranger to hit a home run flip his bat 20 feet in air on third base side. Send another message.
Last, Elvus please catch the fucking ball.
First, nail Bautista with first pitch while both teams even. Send a message.
Second, first Ranger to hit a home run flip his bat 20 feet in air on third base side. Send another message. Originally Posted by Will Boner
That would certainly be entertaining for the fans but probably the worst nightmare for the Texas manager.

It's the Blue Jays that feel they are one punch behind right now so I've got to believe they will be the team to start something. I think both teams will probably play nice until that first Toronto game. That's the game where I think something has got to boil over, and the drunken hockey fans will absolutely love it.

The number one rule of hockey is you never EVER let someone land a punch a hit or anything else on you without giving something back.

There has been a big media story about a Toronto fan throwing a beer can at a Baltimore outfielder at narrowly missing him in their last game.
They were given that timeslot before Toronto beat Baltimore. Originally Posted by dbjp101

Yes, but given the 50/50 probability and the fact the prime time game has Boston and at Fenway park in it, then it was a no brainer.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Yes, but given the 50/50 probability and the fact the prime time game has Boston and at Fenway park in it, then it was a no brainer. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Negative. The game is in Cleveland tonight, David.
Will Boner's Avatar
I think both teams will probably play nice until that first Toronto game. Originally Posted by atf searcher
Even in today's game I'm betting their will be a few very inside pitches to Odor if not nail him. And if he gets nailed, here we go.........
Negative. The game is in Cleveland tonight, David. Originally Posted by ramblinman69
Still it has Boston playing in it and the network would rather have Boston and David Ortiz playing in prime time.