Did anyone in Dallas hear loud booming sounds, in the sky, on Friday a little bit after 1 PM?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This is the craziest thing that I've experienced, well at least in a while.

I was on the computer, just doing what I do when I'm not working on a Friday afternoon, and I heard the loud noise just start to get louder in the sky.

At first, I thought that it might be some random thunder since it's a slightly rainy day. But the noise was really loud, I thought of a sonic boom, and then it went away.

Thought that it was just one of those weird things that happens sometimes, shrugged, and went back inside.

Then, it happened again. My dog is going nuts. Woke up the cat. The neighbor stopped mowing his lawn and looked up.

Neighbors across the way came out of their home and was doing what I was doing. Looking at the sky and trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from.

There were none of those streaks in the sky that one sees when a plane is flying very fast, overhead. Nothing.

No streaks but the sound would reverberate like it was traveling somewhere else. Then, it returned.

This happened 3 times with various intensity. Except for the last time, the sounds were disturbingly loud.

I did a quick google search before starting this topic. It seems as if Dallas had this issue back last April?

Then, I listened to a youtube video about weird sounds in the sky and one of them sounded just like what I heard.

Did anyone else hear these sounds this afternoon? I checked the wfaa.com website and nothing was written about it.

So strange.

(I'm not going mad, am I?)

Happy Friday!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-14-2016, 01:04 PM
I always miss the good stuff.........earthquake not long ago in Dallas, and now this.

I wonder if it was thunder.... I have heard what I guess is called rolling thunder. I have heard thunder rumble for several seconds before.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Mighta been the tuna casserole I had for lunch, sorry !
I understand there were some military jets with afterburners on using Love Field.. F15/F16's.
That might be a plausible explanation.
F-22 raptor super cruise... Ijs
rubberbiscuit's Avatar
Yes, I heard them also and I live in Ft worth.
hawkweed's Avatar
Practicing for air show this weekend?
yeah, there were military jets ,they flew over me on the highway
birder22's Avatar
Airshow this weekend
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wouldn't such a thing cause there to be streaks in the sky?

No streaks.

Just curious.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-20-2016, 11:29 AM
about 20 years ago, I did construction on a tire store in west Ft. Worth next to the Naval air station. They were doing training and the sound you described, and the ones I heard this weekend sounded the same when they were training.
MartinX's Avatar
If they're flying relatively low and the air temperature isn't too cold it won't cause a vapor trail.
Lots of military aircraft use at Love Field for various reasons. That day they came right over the the Hilltop but there was a real low ceiling which they were above, so you couldn't see the aircraft. As Martin mentions too low for trails. Google contrails. They get formed up above 25,000 feet. My ROTC group called F-18s on Fridays hop. lol

When SMU plays Navy at SMU they usually have like three F-14 Tomcats straif the Hilltop at tree Top level at the beginning of the game. Generates about 100 calls to 911. Total waste of taxpayer jet fuel...I might add...
They were UFOs of course
FunInDFW's Avatar
Wouldn't such a thing cause there to be streaks in the sky?

No streaks.

Just curious. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Those weren't the ones carrying chemicals to spray on everyone.