Encounter: LC Milf MJ

Date: 07/01/24
Name: MJ
User ID:: N/A
Phone: 8327194454
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: https://escortbabylon.net/posts_view...912/8327194454
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Manvel area outcall
Hair Length and Color: See pics
Age: 50’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Slim, slight tummy damage. Long legs. Pics accurate
Recommendation: Yes
DoubleEagle's Avatar
I saw her by mistake, meaning, I regret it. She has horribly rough skin. Yuk. She lifted her skirt as I stripped and hopped on the bed then she said she needed to use the bathroom,. What she did is took the donation and left. Watch out fellas
Damn. Taking about a butterface.
Originally Posted by DoubleEagle
I can’t see all the comments, my premium has expired. Apparently my ROS didn’t meet requirements.
Anyway, not a white knight of hers; but Ive never had any drama. Seen her 3 times. Always used Cashapp As said, List Crawler find.
Sorry you had bad luck Reipplestreamdrive.

That’s what these reviews and comments are for : to share info.
The ONE time I tried to set up a session with her she kept pushing the time back, then changed the location she wanted to go (I wanted an hourly and she wanted a non hourly. After some back and forth she "agreed" to do 2 hours for the price of one. Me thinking with the little head showed up and waited.

Her AND her boyfriend showed up with a big dog in the suv. She told me to pay for the room and I told her that will be deducted out of her session money then she went BSC (we talking Mikki Fine version 2.0) and her boyfriend started getting into it. I got back into my truck and drove away. Got some nasty texts from her before I blocked.

Suffice to say any time a provider wants me to secure them lodging I decline. Your business model should include that
Same experience GRYYZ. I almost pulled the trigger. glad I didn't
Damn! Seems like I missed the drama. She’s always shown up with no drama.
Thanks for added info
Probably have to quit while I’m ahead!