Question about ad placement for other cities in AR

I'm wondering about placing an ad in Fayetteville for the end of this week because I may be heading that way, but since I've already posted for LR, am I allowed to also post for Fayetteville for the end of the week since it is a separate city?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I have good news and bad news.

Bad news... Any member of an Advertising-enabled usergroup (Verified Provider, Advertiser-Provider, Agency, Advertiser-Agency, Verified-Limited, & ECCIE Sponsor may utilize our ad posting forums to post one weekly advertisement in up to 5 city forums.

The key here is the word "Forum" (it should actually read city/state forum, but that is another matter)... Arkansas is one forum... therefore you can only do one weekly ad. You can do an ad in up to five city (state) forums. Example, you could post in AR for LR and post in TN for West Memphis, AR since West Memphis is more in the Memphis area.

Now, the good news. Are you going to Fayetteville for the weekend? If so here is the info on that:
The Weekend Lineup is our weekend availability forum, and the same usergroups may post a weekend ad there each week, in addition to your post in the Provider Ad section. (A good routine to follow is to post your main Provider Ad on Mondays when we have the largest viewership of members and guests, and then post your Weekend Ad on Thursdays. This will give you the greatest exposure to the readers, both member and guest)
The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images within both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup.
So, hope that helps you!


Only one ad per forum per week...not like separate ads for Houston, Dallas, Austin, etc.

You are allowed one per week. If you need to edit your ad for any reason, send me a PM with the edit and I'll will change it so the ad correctly reflects your itinerary.

Glad to see you back in AR.

Only one ad per forum per week...not like separate ads for Houston, Dallas, Austin, etc.

You are allowed one per week. If you need to edit your ad for any reason, send me a PM with the edit and I'll will change it so the ad correctly reflects your itinerary.

Glad to see you back in AR.

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Thanks Huck. Are there in plans in the making to add separate forums, one for LR and one for Fayetteville? I noticed that the ladies who post for NWA get a high volume of hits on their ads.

I have good news and bad news.

Bad news... Any member of an Advertising-enabled usergroup (Verified Provider, Advertiser-Provider, Agency, Advertiser-Agency, Verified-Limited, & ECCIE Sponsor may utilize our ad posting forums to post one weekly advertisement in up to 5 city forums.

The key here is the word "Forum" (it should actually read city/state forum, but that is another matter)... Arkansas is one forum... therefore you can only do one weekly ad. You can do an ad in up to five city (state) forums. Example, you could post in AR for LR and post in TN for West Memphis, AR since West Memphis is more in the Memphis area.

Now, the good news. Are you going to Fayetteville for the weekend? If so here is the info on that:
The Weekend Lineup is our weekend availability forum, and the same usergroups may post a weekend ad there each week, in addition to your post in the Provider Ad section. (A good routine to follow is to post your main Provider Ad on Mondays when we have the largest viewership of members and guests, and then post your Weekend Ad on Thursdays. This will give you the greatest exposure to the readers, both member and guest)
The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images within both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup.
So, hope that helps you!


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Thanks Lea. I asked because I like to post in advance to pre-book since a lot of guys can't play on short notice and I'm only going to be there for a day or two. I may have to skip this trip and wait until I can post ahead of time.
See you in the PR, Honey!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Only one ad per forum per week...not like separate ads for Houston, Dallas, Austin, etc.

You are allowed one per week. If you need to edit your ad for any reason, send me a PM with the edit and I'll will change it so the ad correctly reflects your itinerary.

Glad to see you back in AR.

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Thanks Huck, about getting you to edit for her... I forgot that!

Mia, also another thing that providers do is to put the locations and dates in the title line:

Example Title: Jackson and Biloxi MS June 1 - 5, Details in post!

That works too!


Lea, I hadn't thought of that. I'll PM you about editing my ad.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Thanks, Mia... but Huck is the one who will do the editing. Feel free to CC: me though if you wish... then I will know to stay on TOP of Huck! (Yes, Huck... I said that on purpose!!)


Thanks, Mia... but Huck is the one who will do the editing. Feel free to CC: me though if you wish... then I will know to stay on TOP of Huck! (Yes, Huck... I said that on purpose!!)


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Before I flag this post for going off topic...I would love Lea to stay on top of me anytime...

Mia - send me a PM and I will make edits to your ads if timing is critical. We want your trips to be successful. As far as I know, there is no plan to split AR into two forms. Same as Oklahoma, there are distinctly unique parts of each state, but IMO there is not enough post volume to warrant separate forums...

Happy New Year!
