1st Grade Drawing -- Priceless

eglrdr's Avatar
Sure some have seen this..

A first grade girl handed in the drawing below for her homework assignment.

The teacher graded it and the child brought it home.
She returned to school the next day with the following note:
Dear Ms. Davis,
I want to be perfectly clear on my child’s homework illustration. It is NOT of me on a dance pole on a stage in a strip joint surrounded by male customers with money.
I work at Home Depot and had commented to my daughter how much money we made in the recent snowstorm. This drawing is of me selling a shovel.
Mrs. Harrington
bootoo33's Avatar
tooo cute
Naomi4u's Avatar
Sure some have seen this.. Originally Posted by eglrdr
I've been sitting on this drawing for 2 weeks trying to figure out how to post it....nice work eglrdr!!
austinkboy's Avatar
Mommy is definitely a slim, spinner MILF!
She's a red head too, with DSLs!


You might need the shovel to beat her off when you're done.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The story behind that has changed. alot .. but no joke my oldest drew that pic when she was an itty bitty in 1st grade (11 years ago) when we lived in Boston,,It revolves around me shoveling out a blizzard and the neighbor men offering help.... Any one whos seen me prior to the past year or so would have seen it framed above my dresser...
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
ROFLMAO! Sure mommy works at Home Depot.
Check out snopes.
terrari2008's Avatar
wow lmfao....didnt know what to think at first lol...
Check out snopes. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
Vic...if you have the original drawing and it can be authenticated...you could probably put it on E-bay and get $1000s for it. Did you scan it and post it? Where did the BMP/JPEG come from?

But, you better have some Home Depot paycheck stubs to back it up.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
SAj..I was trying but failed to be a drunken smartass...I was pretty sure I wasnt the only one who saw it on snopes...thouh I do have a simiar but dirtier pic that she did draw.