Why Punctuation Rules Can Matter

In the world of hi-tech gadgetry, I've noticed that more and more people who send text messages, emails, and post on boards like ours here have long forgotten the art of proper grammar rules including capitalization.

For those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement...

"Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse."

Is everybody clear on that?
This isn't the same but it involves texting. I meant to send "cant wait", but I hit the buttons too fast and "2nt wait" came out. The provider thought I meant tonight instead of our agreed upon time and she left the incall.

Not sure she still believes me.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I think you're missing a comma between "rules" and "including." I'd also like to see a colon rather than an ellipses for introducing your quote, but maybe that's more a matter of style?

I think it should also be "people who send text messages and emails, and who post . . ." rather than "people who send text messages, emails, and post . . . ." Alternatively, you could go with "posts" but "people who send . . . posts on boards like ours here" sounds wrong to my ear.
gptxman's Avatar
IMO if people would worry more about themselves and less about what everyone else is doing the board would much better. It is simple if you don't like a thread or post for one reason or another (even grammar) then pass it by to move on to one you do like. If you find your self not able to find one that doesn't have something in it you like, possibly the problem is you and you need to move on to a different board. Possibly one with more perfect people that you can relate to.

Sure there are threads and post that are a little difficult to read but for the most part they are easy enough to figure out. I am sure some of these are possibly done by me as well but it is what it is. This is a board for all types of people with all types of education back grounds so the threads and post will always be done in much different ways. I know personally I am way too old to give a shit about things that don't directly effect my way of life so my motto is live and let live. Also IMO as long as the thread or post gets the point across then the way it was done (proper or not) doesn't mean much.
budrn ..it's like you are in my head. I just posted that quote a few days ago on another thread because it humors me.
Thanks for the advice guys. Points well taken here. While I see all your points, the goal of asking for posters to try to adhere to accepted writing style is to:

1) Minimize chances for miscommunication. (see original joke)
2) Make it not be a chore for the reader.

You are right in advising that if it is truly bothersome it is ripe for being ignored. If posters want their words to be read, perhaps they might try a bit harder.

I suppose recommending composing first in MS Word and taking advantage of the spell-check and grammar suggestions, then copying and pasting into the eccie editor is a bridge too far, but I can dream!

p.s. There's a colon!
Sorry Elisa, the tidbit was sent to me by a friend in an email. Promise I didn't copy you. All credit to you for being there first! I just thought it was appropriate and funny too.

<-----Grammar polliceman......I also make my share of mistakes, but i try and obey the rules.
berkleigh's Avatar
Sorry Elisa, the tidbit was sent to me by a friend in an email. Promise I didn't copy you. All credit to you for being there first! I just thought it was appropriate and funny too.

budrn Originally Posted by budrn
I will fight the urge to stock up on apologies and admit that yours is not necessary, but thank you. I found the quote really funny and am glad you shared! You didn't copy me, I was being playful with you in my last post. Maybe it didn't translate to playful so well. I am awesome at reading, but a mediocre writer. Sometimes things get lost in translation.

However, I believe Charles Caleb Colten said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". If that is true then we can stick to you copied me.? Ya that's it.
PODarkness's Avatar
I agree that spelling and punctuation are important, but there is also this quote...

I know i should have focused more on what you were saying in the text rather than the fact that you spelled "suicidal" wrong
Perfect punctuation and capitalization are not necessary to succeed at written communication. However, using them greatly increases your ability to communicate with people who actually know how to read and write which appears to be the vast majority of people in America. I've stopped reading threads that had useful perspectives and information simply because my eyes were on the verge of bleeding from the unending and uninterrupted string of incoherent and/or disjointed thoughts. A person has the right to type however they want but if they are trying to actually get people to read their opinions for the purposes of swaying them one way or another, that person may want to learn to use periods and paragraphs at a minimum. If you are offended by this, my advice to you is pull out your battery powered friend and put him/her to work for you to ease some of that tension. (A polite way of saying, "Go fuck yourself.")
Where is my sweet friend Wordsmith??

cheatercheater's Avatar
I didn't realize that this site doubles as the dating game. I would certainly look for brains and beauty, along with charm, before deciding on a date.
Give me a country gal who could care less where she inserts punctuation marks, but knows where to insert my manhood, and I am happy. Maybe I need to expand my provider base to include English professors. Maybe then I would get spanked first for improper punctuation when asking for an appointment, and another for improper enunciation while grunting out an orgasm.