*Ginger*'s Avatar

I was in search of a incall location due to not Entertaining where i actually live,and answered the post above met with the provider who posted the thread,and the location and apartment was perfect so i thought.

on the date in which she mentioned for the deposit to be given to her(9/15/16) we met again for the transaction(1k)..a week later after she moved her things i was able to furnish and obtain keys,and that really felt great another accomplishment(so i thought)

Prior to all of this taking place i was ask by this provider if i had any DR*GS and at that moment i should have backed out,however i really fell in love with the apartment and,but was told by family that i should just wait but hardheaded little ole*Me* just could not resist,i consider myself a descent person and will help those i can when i can and i think she saw that as well so the asking of favors start to come into play such as giving her a ride here or there,i at one time went and picked up her vacuum cleaner she hid behind a dumpster because she told me she was being followed,and took it to her home,constantly ask to go to the office to pick up her mail and then light finally goes off in my head that this person is hiding something.

So i told her it was time that she started to take care of her own personal business and that is when i knew she was using me and avoiding the real issue,a month and half goes by and myself and a very,very,nice Gentleman that i see are schedule to meet and when he arrives im told that the R*chardson Police are in the hall way area,minutes go by and knock,knock,but we do not dare open the door and the knocking cease and he leaves unharmed in any way..i pack my things and go home for the day.(Would'nt You?)

The following day i return because i know there may have been a mistake for the knock on the door i have not done anything wrong but(Sublease Apt.) i arrive in the parking lot of the apt.complex and R*chardson Police are sitting the parking lot again i do not have anything to hide so i continue to the apt.once upstairs i see the maintenance men have the lock off the apt.door and the police are inside as well i am now very nervous because i do not know what to think and why all of this is happening because of my discretion and knowing i could not have been reported for anything because of i conduct myself.

Within 30mins drive time to my home i PM this Young Lady telling her its URGENT!!!..and that she needs to contact me i have numerous PM's in my inbox i have save to prove how Dangerous this Provider can be so im not at all trying to ruin or destroy anyone but i think this should be put out there due to how i was disrespected and treated not to mention i could have been arrested and a very great guy in which ive been seeing for almost a year,and she knew the entire time even while posting this thread to lease the apt.


It cost me 1k and i have learned a very valuable lesson here,Thank*God*i will be able to get the furnishings from the apt.once the proper paperwork is done!!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Apparently, the link you posted is in a ladies-only area. If you want to warn hobbyists and girls without powder-room access, you might at least post the dangerous provider's Eccie handle and maybe some images of her.
*Ginger*'s Avatar
Thank you sweetie i had no idea i could do that:UniqueMonique is her handle and images of her i do not have but she is a piece of work for sure!!
Lunytunz's Avatar
Ginger, very sorry to hear of your plight. This is a dangerous place with shady people with various agendas. I know you as a kind and trustworthy person and unfortunatelyou you have been duped by the criminal element. Lesson learned. No harm was done to you besides the loss of money. Expensive lesson indeed. Thank you for exposing the offending party. That is what this place is for...the exchange of information.
ShysterJon's Avatar
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-13-2016, 11:14 PM
So sad this happened to you and thanks for all the information posted, im sure it will help men decide who to stay away from.

This hobby is very dangerous in many ways. Be careful
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
She too damn old to be acting like THAT!! Sorry this happened to you Ginger. Thanks for the heads up
Too old to act like this? One would think but if the truth be known I bet the vast majority of ID theft and various other scams are conducted by "older women".
It took a while for the bad habits to take over and their looks faded.
TheEccie214's Avatar
And some people still think I'm just a troll. Post 21 from last week. I'm batting 100% on my information sharing - go me.

bowdown2me's Avatar
Humm... Very interesting story here...
I'm just blown away.......(NOT)
Well doll. I have been here for 4 years. I have a hand full of ladies. I have leared the hard way. You can't trust a one. We suppose do support and keep each other safe. This is sad. Hope you are well. It could have been worse. Hugs. I'm sorry this has happened
Wow. I actually saw her post looking for someone to obtain her place. I had considered sharing a Incall location with another provider, there are several ladies advertising on here now. This is exactly why I won't. Never know what you are really getting into. I am sorry that happened to you. Not all providers looking to share or sub-lease are shady but, after reading this I know I made the right decision.
*Ginger*'s Avatar
I have Learned today that i will be able to gain entry in the apt.to get my furniture and Thank*God*for that i spent 2k furnishing that place,it's really been a nightmare because just as*SexyPlatinum*stated you can't trust people and i have been in this city 2yrs and 1month and i try to stay away from all the drama it's just not worth the time and energy.

But i will give you all a little info.that you may or may not know in which i learned upon a detective knocking on my door(My Home)...Well after i told her i would no longer pick up her mail she went against her word and the electricity was turned off originally i was told that it would be left on for certain period of time..No Big deal i added it to my other acct.which the bill would be sent to my home,well during the investigation of the identity theft i was found because of the Electric Bill info.being sent to my home and That is when i was shown photo's of her and another Gentleman LE are very smart people and little did i know they have been after this person for a very long time and so that leads me to believe there are more than one victim here.

The Person that had her identity stolen found out the apt.was in her name by a creditor and that is when she notified LE,but i learned by talking to the detective that they are not concerned about the industry as much as they are concerned about gathering felony convictions and this provider(UniqueMonique)seems to have a trail of them following her so i was told..where are the Trustworthy people anymore?
Geez. What a disaster. That is too much. Who needs the LE digging thru their personal life because of someone else and their bullshit. SMH. I hope everything works out for you. Not all providers are bad but unfortunately in all walks of life there are just shitty people. ID theft is serious and when they catch up with her she is in deep shit.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Good for you Ginger, glad things are working out for you as you seem like a nice girl that was being taken advantage of.

Waiting for Unique Monique to reply - I'm sure she'll deny but look at her history, talk to some ladies here and you'll see everyone should stay far away from her. Drama seems to follow some people and it's always around her.