Guilty Pleasure Movies

Exchequer's Avatar
"Guilty Pleasure" - something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard. No judging here!

Well, I know this thread will probably die a quick death but I don't care.

Flash Gordon was a very campy 1980 space opera that had incredible music from Queen. Reminded of carefree times as a kid.
CH Luke's Avatar
Exchequer's Avatar
Okay, I'll play that game! Originally Posted by CH Luke

Please don't tell me you are ashamed that we know you like this movie? I am ashamed I haven't watched it before. I am familiar with the line "What we've got here is failure to communicate" but I never knew where it came from. I am going to watch this in the next few days!
Independence Day
austin88998833's Avatar
"Guilty Pleasure" - something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard. No judging here!

Well, I know this thread will probably die a quick death but I don't care.

Flash Gordon was a very campy 1980 space opera that had incredible music from Queen. Reminded of carefree times as a kid. Originally Posted by Exchequer
Bringing back some memories!!
Cool hand Luke, favorite movie, also Shawshank redemption...
Exchequer's Avatar
Independence Day Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Rockydoc gets it! Both of those movies above I will usually flip to if I see them on the guide!

These are movies that won’t win any Oscars but are fun to watch!

Spoiler Alert, Arnold doesn’t reload one single time!

Pretty much any movie Arnold is it is a guilty pleasure!
High Plains Drifter. Clint is so badass in that movie
Exchequer's Avatar
High Plains Drifter. Clint is so badass in that movie Originally Posted by arealone
Great movie! Is there any movies where he isn’t a badass? He even orders coffee badass!
Great movie! Is there any movies where he isn’t a badass? He even orders coffee badass! Originally Posted by Exchequer
Have to admit that is one of my favorite scenes of Clint too. Another guilty pleasure movie is either of the Sicario movies. Benicio Del Toro is an unknown but dayum, talk about badass.
austin88998833's Avatar
Great movie! Is there any movies where he isn’t a badass? He even orders coffee badass! Originally Posted by Exchequer
Any movie where Clint is not a bad ass? No. Such a movie does not exist. Most recently I enjoyed watching The Mule.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Exchequer's Avatar
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Originally Posted by infamousrock

That's what I am talking about! Remember a guilty pleasure is something you would be embarrassed mentioning in public. Like stormship troopers!
CH Luke's Avatar
Please don't tell me you are ashamed that we know you like this movie? I am ashamed I haven't watched it before. I am familiar with the line "What we've got here is failure to communicate" but I never knew where it came from. I am going to watch this in the next few days! Originally Posted by Exchequer

I'll front you a money back guarantee if you don't love it, Ex!
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