Provider ECCIE rates: How/Where to view them ??

I know Eccie rules changed recently and providers are not allowed to post their rates. So my query is : How/Where do I view them? Yes, the providers ad have links to P411 and their websites which was there always- but the rates in P411/their website were much higher than the Eccie rates. So now if I want to view the rates - do I only have to go to P411 /website ??

I there any way to see the Eccie rates or the special rates ? Or -- are the providers not posting any Eccie rates and just updating their P411/websites regularly ?? Sorry, if this has been discussed ,but I may have totally missed it. And right now, it is impossible for me to view the provider's Eccie rates .
Rates are still allowed in showcases. Just not ads. Not really a huge deal, except for the showcases being gone right now...
The showcases are down for mantanice right now. So its really hard to find the rates. Try checking some of the receint reviews then confirm with the provider. Also, look at any receint ads. they may also have links to P411, or websites, etc.
Most of the ladies have their websites, p411, twitter, ect in their sign line.

Hope that helps.
Most of the ladies have their websites, p411, twitter, ect in their sign line.

Hope that helps. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Lisa, as I said above most of the providers' websites are not updated regularly and the rates on P411/websites were always higher than the Eccie rates. that's what I was referring to. Not sure if the provider showcases do show the Eccie rates or just the standard copy/paste P411 / website rates.
CenterLock's Avatar
If you ever find yourself looking for something and can't find it - check behind the couch.

Not sayin' you'd find rates back there.... but by the time you search thoroughly the showcases might be back up.

Sad, really.... I had time to see one provider had updated her rates with her tour rates in her bio and then *poof* - no more showcases. At least it started to look like the change was working.
Sir You are right

Well I know some ladies have webmasters they have to go thru to update their websites, that could take up to three days. Im not saying im one of them. However there are some ladies not happy, they have wait to get their websites updated.

You are always very right about P411 rates being the highest of rate prices. Generally most ladies are sweet and offer P411 members a discount.

Alot of the ads here say pm for special rate and such, but I guess that could begin to be a pain in the ass, if you are pm-ing six ladies and neither one responses back.

Its a little frustrating for the ladies to, however we are adjusting, some have twitter pages now...thought that was kinda cool. :-)

Lisa, as I said above most of the providers' websites are not updated regularly and the rates on P411/websites were always higher than the Eccie rates. that's what I was referring to. Not sure if the provider showcases do show the Eccie rates or just the standard copy/paste P411 / website rates. Originally Posted by delimex007
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  • S-Man
  • 01-17-2011, 01:12 PM
The reviews which refer the reader to the ladies' ad for fee info are no help.
Sir You are right

Well I know some ladies have webmasters they have to go thru to update their websites, that could take up to three days. Im not saying im one of them. However there are some ladies not happy, they have wait to get their websites updated.

You are always very right about P411 rates being the highest of rate prices. Generally most ladies are sweet and offer P411 members a discount.

Alot of the ads here say pm for special rate and such, but I guess that could begin to be a pain in the ass, if you are pm-ing six ladies and neither one responses back.

Its a little frustrating for the ladies to, however we are adjusting, some have twitter pages now...thought that was kinda cool. :-) Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Lisa, there was no need for a sorry here. I hope I did not sound harsh or anything - I was just making an observation. Also did not know that it could take providers 2 or 3 days to update their sites through the webmasters.

So updating P411 probably is faster than updating their websites. Also, the provider showcases when up and running seem to take care of the problem.
pmdelites's Avatar
and one could always send the woman of one's desires a very nicely worded pm asking for some info, due to the incovenience of the showcases being maintained and upgraded.

yep, one might consider it an inconvenience, but it's a hell of lot better than in the not so distant past [say 2000].
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
and one could always send the woman of one's desires a very nicely worded pm asking for some info, due to the incovenience of the showcases being maintained and upgraded.

yep, one might consider it an inconvenience, but it's a hell of lot better than in the not so distant past [say 2000]. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I've been trying that and the response has been about 50/50 on getting an answer. I've gotten replies to the questions, but a lot of ladies seem to be hesitant to quote rates by email, which I find odd since we're not talking about services, just rates.
I try to do most of my specials through twitter or yahoo messenger...Seems to work great and I know a lot of other ladies do the same.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lisa, as I said above most of the providers' websites are not updated regularly and the rates on P411/websites were always higher than the Eccie rates. that's what I was referring to. Not sure if the provider showcases do show the Eccie rates or just the standard copy/paste P411 / website rates. Originally Posted by delimex007
The smart ladies will have already amended their marketing with an updated P411 profile and website pages to make it a very easy for a client to find her current rates.

The ladies showcase will show whatever THEY put in there and they can change that at anytime (when the showcases come back, of course)
Texasquest's Avatar
But if you dont have PA your SOL.still..Is a conspiracy to get us all to buy PA i feel.Some of us dont have PA for personal reasons and we will be left out in the dark..
But if you dont have PA your SOL.still..Is a conspiracy to get us all to buy PA i feel.Some of us dont have PA for personal reasons and we will be left out in the dark.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Thats not 100% true. PM the lady you would like to see if her ad says "ask me about my special" or check her site (if she has one) or add her to messenger or follow her on twitter, etc.

Most of the ladies here are pretty good at marketing themselves (we have to be) and will have various ways make sure you have access to specials when we are having them!