Providers rating clients

After a few beers I got to wondering what the reviews would look like if the providers rated their clients. What important criteria would be on the form? How would the clients take bad review like "all the Viagra on earth couldn't help this schmuck" or " this guy couldn't lick his upper lip"? Or the good reviews like "his tongue can reach the middle of his forehead" or "he must have a quart more of blood in his system to get that thing up"? What about the rates? Would you ever read "I should be paying him"? (Just kidding but it never hurts to plant that thought) Again as you can see I have had way more beer than sex tonight and am bored as hell.
I just got home from dinner, roller derby and drinks........

I say a big HELL NO to reviewing clients.


Enough said.
My post was certainly not meant to be taken seriously and the way it was written I didn't think it would be. After reading numerous reviews and seeing how much they varied I just thought it would be funny to see the comments if the tables were turned and the clients were rated. The first person I would poke fun at is me. I though the purpose of this section was keep it entertaining, sorry for attempting to have some fun.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I guess you could say I've read a fair amount of reviews the clients have written over the years.

Sometimes I think my head's going to explode but then what the hell.
I was way tipsy and took it as serious. I'm reading it now and still taking it serious. lol

None of us know your sense of humor, it takes time to get a feel for someone's humor and know when they're joking.

Plus, as we all know on the great internet.....sometime's what we say doesn't translate into how it was meant to be or how its supposed to sound if we had said it in person.
I wanna know how my name gets associated with this shit ??? lol HTF do you know this ?? Someone talking out of school again !?!?!?!?!

After a few beers I got to wondering what the reviews would look like if the providers rated their clients. What important criteria would be on the form? How would the clients take bad review like "all the Viagra on earth couldn't help this schmuck" or " this guy couldn't lick his upper lip"? Or the good reviews like "his tongue can reach the middle of his forehead" or "he must have a quart more of blood in his system to get that thing up"? What about the rates? Would you ever read "I should be paying him"? (Just kidding but it never hurts to plant that thought) Again as you can see I have had way more beer than sex tonight and am bored as hell. Originally Posted by makemesmile
Osolomio's Avatar
Oh great! That's about all I enhanced poor self image. Yikes!

Griffin's Avatar
It would make a lot of sense to have some type of review of the Date (Hobbyist), so that new Providers would not constantly ask for your latest two Providers' names and contact info.

Reason one: For my previous Providers' security. The scenario: I am contacting a new Provider that I may have no real back ground info on. The new Provider is actually LEO and is trying to build cases against this hobby. I give up my contacts and just ratted out my friends. I really hate giving out this info.

Reason two: The Providers spend a lot of time contacting other providers just so that a new Date can have a session. This is time and effort that multiple providers could be using with Hobbyists. Just like a lawyer, all time is paid for, and part of the donation pays for these back and forth phone calls.

I say: ECCIE put up a Provider Only section for their own use and let the fun begin.

the Griffin
Yes, that info is listed in the double top secret section Schmuckenputz........ . The easiest way for me to get thru life is to laugh everyday and it starts with the crap I do first. I was thinking about all the stupid shit I could be written up on. When you drive from longer distances sometimes you arrive early, so what do you do? You call and tell her you are there and if she isn't ready you have to kill time somewhere. I could see this, my client arrived 20 minutes early and was sitting in his vehicle in the parking lot long enough to be noticed by someone and they called the cops to report a suspicious person. Or the time my room was just down the hall from the front desk and I had left my door ajar so she could walk in like she had a key and the front desk called my room to see if I was there as they noticed someone had entered it. Needless to say we left and got something to eat and then returned thru the side door! (Very thankful she was close enough to my age that I could say we went to school together). Over the years I have gotten a lot smarter and now spent extra time at a nearby convenience store. I don't get rooms on the bottom floor anymore either. I travel a lot for work and when you stay for weeks on end the staff does know who you are! Or the time she arrived in a taxi in what could have worked for a prom dress! People about broke their damn necks watching her go thru the lobby and up the stairs. She called when she arrived to I stepped out of the room to meet her looked over the balcony rail and witnessed my disaster unfold. No one had the balls to follow her up the stairs to she where she went and when we finished I escorted her out the side door and gave her a ride to the corner gas station to call the cab. I guess her and I had different views on what discreet was! I was thinking blue jeans and sweat shirt not long flowing purple dress. It was hard to be mad at her as she just wanted me to be impressed when she arrived but realized when she walked thru the lobby from a cab she made a huge mistake. Somehow I made it thru all this and can just look back and laugh!
As long as it helps support charging by the inch. That way I can buy all the pussy I want, damn near free, lol.
It would make a lot of sense to have some type of review of the Date (Hobbyist), so that new Providers would not constantly ask for your latest two Providers' names and contact info.

Reason one: For my previous Providers' security. The scenario: I am contacting a new Provider that I may have no real back ground info on. The new Provider is actually LEO and is trying to build cases against this hobby. I give up my contacts and just ratted out my friends. I really hate giving out this info.

Reason two: The Providers spend a lot of time contacting other providers just so that a new Date can have a session. This is time and effort that multiple providers could be using with Hobbyists. Just like a lawyer, all time is paid for, and part of the donation pays for these back and forth phone calls.

I say: ECCIE put up a Provider Only section for their own use and let the fun begin.

the Griffin Originally Posted by Griffin

Reason 1 - I check out the provider who I'm giving or getting the reference from as much as I check out my potential client. If she has no info on the web, I'm not taking her reference. Just having an ad on BP doesn't cut it for me.

Reason 2 - It doesn't take that much time to check references. Its part of the job. I have no complaints in doing my screening because it keeps me and my friends safe.

No matter if someone puts up a review board of clients, I still wouldn't use it because you don't know what's all true. If no "real" name are given or phone numbers, then how do you know who is who, what's real and what isn't?

I'll stick to the system I use.

Oh and Griffin, the providers do have a forum of their own. This subject has been brought up numerous times on different sections of the board and its pretty much a given with all smart folks in the hobby, no to client reviews.
As far as rating the clients..........don't enough of us get that at home so we're on a board like this to begin with???


Tongue planted in cheek........
Great idea Nash, I would be paying next to nothing!
Griffin's Avatar
As long as it helps support charging by the inch. That way I can buy all the pussy I want, damn near free, lol. Originally Posted by nashluv69
Nash, terrible Idea. I would be broke. The Providers would call it a SIR TAX!
jjchmiel78's Avatar
I like Nash's idea as well. For me it would be the and only advantage for being born the way I am. I had to work for every penny I have, not very smart, no athletic skills, no artistic ability, and I have to pay just to have women look at me. On top of that all I am below average to say the least. Please let something about me have a benefit.