Gentleman, Ladies and Couples:
Please remember to support Escorts over the holidays. Sorry I'm late for you Jewish girls already celebrating Hanukkah. I must say that you're all stunning and so talented at what you do.
Escorts should be respected, they have feelings, bills to pay, and families to feed. My heart goes out to you single moms just trying to get by. If you contact an Escort be serious about scheduling and keep your appointment.
Thank you for your services as a sex worker. It's hard work and not recognized enough. Bless you for helping all mankind. You're all Angels just like my best friend who is an Escort. I thank you for all of lonely mankind that your provide services for, and the lives you save, or the added education that spices up a marriage and saved it. Keep up the great services. Hopefully with time your Professional services will be recognized as a Profession in the USA and legalized soon.
I know the holidays is a stressful time for all so why not relax with an amazing Escort. For Escorts I know holidays is stressful for you too. I don't know what to say since I don't know your anxiety or problems; but please know I pray for every one of you to be healthy, safe, and warm daily and weekly at masses. If you ever need someone to PM because your down; please let me know. I'm not a counselor but can listen or put you in touch with those that can help. Every life is extremely important. Please know that I love every one of you and you are important to me.
Virtual kisses and hugs from Harry.