once a who*e always a who*re?

once a who*e always a who*re?
Whispers's Avatar
You left out the only answer for me

I wouldn't "try"

I WOULD stop them.
To be fair, I don't think any father would want his daughter to be an escort. On the flip side, I don't think any daughter would approve of her dad being a hobbyist.
With that comment,I'm guessing your review count will be 2 for a long time.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Once an ass always an ass?
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
What's the purpose of this poll? I don't see who*es anyway.....I only see providers.
  • Booth
  • 11-18-2011, 09:08 AM
Two questions:

1. What's a who*e?
2. What's a who*re?

You've lost me with this terminology.
harkontume's Avatar
once a who*e always a who*re? Originally Posted by littlejohn20
This reminds me of a child who thinks its funny to use bad words. I do not think this appreciated and is not the way a Gentleman would speak.
  • E2
  • 11-18-2011, 01:35 PM
once a who*e always a who*re? Originally Posted by littlejohn20
I don't find it necessarily insulting that someone used the word whore to describe someone like myself who is intimate with strangers for financial benefit...a rose by any other name and all that. It is what it is and I don't get caught up on arguing semantics. I can understand why some people would be offended though and it's not really the best choice of words IMHO. I'm not sure why someone would even make a poll like that unless they were really insecure or angry, it doesn't seem like the kind of question a person asks out of idle curiosity...more like a statement posed as a question that made the OP come off like a jackass.

Try that question out with other jobs and see where the train of thought leads you:

Once a (construction worker) always a (construction worker)?
Once a (baker) always a (baker)?
Once a (butcher) always a (butcher)?
Once a (telephone sales rep) always a (telephone sales rep)?

I think the answer to that question is going to be different for everyone...what you are summing up as just "being a whore" is actually a lot of different experiences that will change and color my perspective directly or indirectly for the rest of my life so yea I guess for me "once a whore, always a whore." in a lot of aspects regardless of if I stay in "the business" or not.
shaft.drive's Avatar
"Little John was a legendary fellow outlaw of Robin Hood, and was said to be Robin's chief lieutenant and second-in-command of the Merry Men. In the early tales, Little John is shown to be intelligent and highly capable. "

Sorry, but this Little John does not sound to be worthy of superlatives.
The way I see it, this is the best option for some women (especially if they can handle it mentally and have the right attitude), but I have made a great deal of effort to give my children better options.

I would show her that she could do better (really this hypothetical situation would mean I'd fucked up in this department pretty badly already somehow). I would help her to understand that it is a hard and potentially personally costly occupation fraught with peril so I would not want that for her and she's crazy to choose it when she doesn't need to. I would make her realize that being fortunate, she is blessed with better options. I would not support the choice in any way.

BUT you cannot control a grown woman, even of 18. I would not disown her, I would not ridicule or try to shame her, I would just make it clear I think she's making a foolish choice I disagree with and do everything I could to get her back on a more fruitful path. Kids of all ages can be idiots.

Also it is just a temporary choice. "Once a whore always a whore" is frankly moronic and evil. You are what you are right now and history is just how you got there, but it is gone and cannot be changed.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-18-2011, 07:35 PM
I think a more interesting poll/question would be: Would you book a session with an 18 year old girl or boy who had decided to work as a high class escort to pay for university tuition knowing full well that they are someone's son or daughter who would be distraught at them doing that?
Wow, I never cease to be amazed! The shit some people will type, because they can hide behind the relative anonimity of the internet.

An interesting by product of stunts like this one is that not only have you posted a self alert on yourself to every provider that reads this drivel, you now are on the Staff's radar as well. My advice, tread very carefully from now on.

I think the biggest issue is the age (18), and
not so much the occupation. I am a little
disturbed by the thought of such young women
being a part of the sex industry. They could
possibly be denying themselves the chance to
meet the husband of their dreams; Or maybe the
career or her dreams. This is no business for 18 year
olds. Eighteen is still a child. Even 24 is too young as
far as I am concerned. Women don't really become sexy
until the age of 30. Only then are they strong, confident,
and intelligent and sexually aware. I couldn't imagine
being intimate with an 18 y.o. and not feeling guilty - as if
I was robbing the girl of her future. So my answer to the
question would be I WOULD stop her. Not because of some
puritanical sense of morality. But because she would be far too
young to choose a career path that could possibly preclude her
from realizing other goals. But I have always believed
that mature, intelligent (and beautiful) adults, can (and should) be allowed to legally
enter into any type of mutually beneficial erotic arrangement - as long as
no else is hurt in the process. It takes a certain maturity to do this properly.