Airport fun?

rz7crs's Avatar
While sitting in DFW airport this morning, waiting for American Airlines to repair their piece of shit airplane, I started thinking. As usual, my mind wandered to the hobby and I wondered if any providers were also cooling their (spike) heels and wouldn't it be fun to hook up?

So, has anyone done this? Airports are adding more short term hotels to their terminals so it would seem to be possible. Maybe Eccie could even add a forum that would facilitate such dates.

Thoughts, ladies and gents?
That could give a whole new meaning to the term "lay over".
Wow! That would be awesome!! I fly often and inevitably get delays every single time I fly it seems like, especially in Atlanta.

Hookin up at an airport would be loads (no pun intended, lol!) of fun!!
myprototype's Avatar
i don't get out often but

I like that idea!!!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-11-2014, 10:39 AM
One of my Nebraska brethren had some fun in an airport in Texas: