So the workouts help with cardio and muscles and can make you lose calories, but the biggest factor when it comes to weight is the diet.
How bad are your cheat days? How often are they?
The key thing to remember with weight loss is that for the most part you need to use up more calories than you consume. If you're busting max resistance and elevation on the elliptical and it's easy, your body isn't struggling as much. You can use the borg scale of perceived exertion, try to aim for above an 11
You can also mix up the workouts. You're going at a constant rate, maybe increase the rpms or do sprints for one minute at every 10-to 5-minute intervals to help with the intensity. Some people get more winded on a bike or a treadmill. Maybe calisthenics will get you right. It's good to mix up the routine as one workout done ad nauseum can neglect using certain muscles and lead you to injury.
The big player, like I said is calories. People can burn 1000 calories in a workout if they go hard but a vegetarian chipotle burrito can be 800 calories. Very low carb is good but like I said, how much do you cheat? What works for me is looking up the calories. That shit will make you say DAMN a lot when you look at foods you thought were benign. You don't have to cut dramatically either. If you find one thing you can replace with less calorie dense alternatives, that will create a deficit every day and then you'll have a net deficit at the end of the week and month.
Lastly someone mentioned doing strength and that is always good. Muscle mass is more metabolically active, yes, but do it properly. You want to balance your strength exercises to avoid injury and you have to use good form otherwise you can hurt yourself pretty badly, especially with squats and deadlifts. Machines can get you right if free weights worry you.