Exraider is a theif!

roxy28's Avatar
So I booked a session through the site with this guy named X raider.... Everything seemed fine during the session he booked a 90-minute session. Everything seemed fine until it was time for the end of the session and he decided he wanted to also give me a massage. while I'm on my stomach this guy flies my door open and runs with the money and the envelope ... he literally runs out of my door with his shoes in his hands and then texted me later claiming that he was grabbed by a police officer when he had no right to open my door and he stole the session money from me... which was just laying on the dresser now he's trying to go and post a review and claim that I had him set up with cops over there... When he stole from me. you guys take it for what it is but there was no drama at my hotel and there were never any cops there he had no right or Reason to open my door in the middle of the session. Ladies beware...
Wow!! And yes he did go as far as posting a review! Sorry this happened to you geez! Def will steer clear of that guy. What a horrible thing to do....Hope karma bites him in his ass....
Dude if you cant afford any stay your ass at home GAWD!!!
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Sorry to hear this. He posted a review and obviously has a different story. Not sure who to belv.

He had no reviews and only 2 posts here, how did you verify him?

Also, Did he run out naked from the room? If he got off of you and dressed up and then left with shoes in hand, you had time to react?
Ravasher's Avatar
If he ran out naked that would definitely explain why the cops picked him up.��
roxy28's Avatar
it was wearing basketball shorts when he came over and he slipped them on during my massage and in the middle of the massage he flew open the door and ran out with his basketball shorts on shoes in hand and certain hand and money also... He really has some nerve because wrong is wrong after he had all the service
roxy28's Avatar
I still have all the text messages from him where he claims that there were cops and that he would meet me with the money later when he had no right or Reason To Fly open that room door
roxy28's Avatar
... not to mention all of my neighbors seen him darting around the corner after words only to realize how upset that I was that he took the money and ran
roxy28's Avatar
so if there were cops at the hotel I stay at and they got him from coming out of my room then why didn't I get arrested? There were never any cops here and he knew what he was doing to me when he came here it was all planned by him
roxy28's Avatar
he did all of this while I was laying on my stomach and he was giving me a massage the bed is right next to the door so no I didn't have time to react other than me going outside naked I was the one that was still naked.... he had already been in my room for over an hour and had already gotten his session and was going to give me a massage he put his basketball shorts on while I was on my stomach and I didn't notice that.... I was laying on my stomach on the end of the bed and that's when he suddenly flew my door open and said who are you and took off running and there was nobody out there
roxy28's Avatar
if we were allowed to post text messages I would do that that way you all could see what he was claiming after he left when I texted him and asked him why he would do me like that after he got a nice session
roxy28's Avatar
it wasn't that hard for him to do that obviously since he planned it and his shoes and shirt we're all together in the floor next to the bed and my door is right there also it's a small room
roxy28's Avatar
..... and think about it if this post was about him actually having an issue with the cops where he was arrested or something like that then you guys would most likely ask him why he even opened the door and would have told him what an idiot he is for opening the door up to the cops
roxy28's Avatar
on top of that even if I had time to react what's to stop someone from hitting me over the head and taking the money and run away?.... I'm just not the type of person to have a confrontation and most likely he would have ran out with the money anyhow
CG2014's Avatar
He said, She said....


both stories are a bit fishy...

not sure who to believe or whether to even believe either story.

By the way, Roxy, how do you know what he said in the ROS of his review?