Here is the trailer to the not-yet-released movie; this you tube clip is what caused the burning of 2 embassies and killing of our consulate personnel.....

The movie seems corny and over the top stereotyping; how anyone with sensibilities can get enraged over this 1 minute video clip is beyond me....

The attacks happening on 9/11 seems suspicious to me; were these attacks organized and orchestrated long before the video clip was released?
  • Laz
  • 09-12-2012, 09:37 AM
What an idiotic clip. How anyone can justify the violence and murder that occurred over this is beyond comprehension. If you don't like it don't watch it! It looked so stupid I doubt many people would have ever seen it.
i think it was a more sophisticated devious thing.

now perhaps the immediate actor's passions were inflamed by the video, but i beleive they were pawns of evil actors and islamists bent on attacking america in any regard, uncoupled from any youtube video or anything else.

there is a war going on you know
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-12-2012, 11:47 AM
Muslims found it offensive, so to them they are justified in murder and violence.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't believe this attack was prompted by the video. It appears to have been co-ordinated, and likely in response to recent drone attacks by the US. I think the "apology" was attempt to place blame on "conservative" voices in the US, rather than on US policy in the region.

There is no excuse for what the Libyans and Egyptians did, and are doing. But I do think the administration is attempting to deflect the blame.

Hell, it's no secret that September 11 is a holiday for radical Muslims. That they would plan an attack for that day is quite likely. Knowing that, the administration decided to use the serendipitous YouTube video as a means to make it look like free speech in the US was the trigger for the attacks.

"Hurt the religious feelings" of others? Are they serious? What a stupid phrase. These attackers didn't appear to have "hurt feelings".