Charles Ramsey Epic Interview

Dorian Gray's Avatar
How NOT to pull a Monkeypaw

@ 2:20 Epic...

Nailed It!'s Avatar
Thanks DG That's a classic
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Charles Ramsey's every bit as cool as Mudbone! I'd like to go fishing with that guy ...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-07-2013, 04:37 PM
McDonald's should give him some gift certificates or something lol. Little white girl running to a black man lol!
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 05-07-2013, 05:07 PM
Old Charles is a cool.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I like the way he spells it out.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
His 911 call is the best.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
McDonald's should give him some gift certificates or something lol. Little white girl running to a black man lol! Originally Posted by trey
boardman's Avatar
I know that 911 operators get bullshit calls all the time and at some point they must get numb to it. But...I've listened to Amanda Berry's call and Ramsey's call and I'm appalled at the lack of professionalism exhibited by the two operators. Both of them couldn't get off the phone fast enough. Ramsey told the operator that the girl had been kidnapped and was panicked. He even said "put yourself in her shoes"
The woman that answered Amanda Berry's call was completely unsympathetic. The least she could have done was stay on the phone until the police got there. That poor girl was terrified and obviously wanted reassurance that she wasn't going to be hurt anymore. A calm, concerned voice on the other side of the phone would have gone a long way in calming her down.

If someone calls 911, they generally have a problem. If it's a traffic accident and it doesn't sound like anyone is in imminent danger then sure get the information, dipatch whomever needs to be dispatched and move on to the next call. If there is genuine panic in someones voice as there was in both these calls find a little humanity. I guess this is why those 911 operators don't have jobs at McDonalds.

Technology has created a society that has no conscience or sympathy because there is so little face to face interaction. It's one thing to be a dipshit on a shmb but when it matters I'd like to thinck we can still see the good in people and care.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 05-08-2013, 09:26 AM
Best hero ever.
jbravo_123's Avatar
He needs to team up with the Rent is Too Damn High guy.
kerwil62's Avatar
He should hook up with Sweet Brown for a mixtape.
Anderson Cooper interviewed him. Ramsey called him bro a few times.

I hope he gets something out of this.
jbravo_123's Avatar

Dorian Gray's Avatar