California doctor suggests his patient give blowjobs

blowpop's Avatar
I think I like this doctor.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I think I like this doctor. Originally Posted by blowpop
Lol! Lots of cheap pussy/mouth with no gag to compete with in Cali's capital
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 05-17-2013, 06:03 PM
THIS is the single greatest piece of medical research ever. EVER! Colds, flu, depression, heart attack, all cured by giving oral. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
Nothing like having your argument made for you by a Professional!
yardbird74's Avatar
Yes, I'm sure the husband was "offended." For a second you know it flashed through his mind to point at his hard-on going, "Doctor's orders honey..."
I like the doctor too. It's a pity that some women can't be open minded enough to entertain the possibility.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I want to see the prescription... In writing and signed!
I don't want to be unkind, but judging from the wife's picture, if she was giving a blowjob, she wouldn't be the only one gagging...