Help Getting Back in the Game

heymister's Avatar
Hi fellas,

I used to be pretty active in the hobby here - but in recent years, in part due to frequent work travel - I've done most of my hobbying out of town (if you need any tips on hobbying internationally, feel free to PM me).

I recently had the opportunity to jump back in the Big D pool and it seems a lot has changed. I wanted to get your thoughts on a few observations, and maybe a bit of advice.

When I was most active, there were reliable quality studios like the late, great relax2013. It seems now most studios are AMP's - which had not been my go to in the past. Is this accurate? Or are there still reliable non-AMP studio's out there?

If AMP's are the best option these days - I realize they are different from a regular studio - and I'm actually happy to see that they screen pretty thoroughly. My main question is - are the pics on the websites accurate? They seem a bit... idealized?

Also - it seems rates have gone up pretty drastically vs. five years ago - but I suppose that's inflation plus the onlyfans effect.

Finally - it seems a little riskier out there after recent events - so I'm trying to err on the side of caution - but any tips or advice on how to best enjoy hobbying these days - feel free to PM me. Thanks!!