
Anyone seen this girl before?
She looks good, but from what i gather from ads on other sites its all covered and no GFE.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

Gents: It really helps to provide a link.

HID (21-HID)
Thank you HID
She is pretty but pure business and goes straight to the point. And mudrunner is right.....No GFE and is not a conversationalist.
Going to be in town tonight and was coming here to ask about this one! For the fee I think I’ll try and see someone who will make it a little more of a personable experience lol thanks for the intel!
Olmedic's Avatar
I just seen her and while you’re right she doesn’t do gfe, we had a nice conversation but honestly conversation is not what we’re there for. As as for covered services I personally would rather see someone who makes an effort to be safe
Just a normal guy's Avatar
Although she is very beautiful and she is exactly my type of woman. I am in it for the illusion of passion some call it IOP. If there is no illusion that she gives then there is no excitement and that makes it purely transactional. Transactional is good for some who only want a release. But for most of us who actually want to enjoy a very passionate time then it's not worth the time or money.
Olmedic's Avatar
Although she is very beautiful and she is exactly my type of woman. I am in it for the illusion of passion some call it IOP. If there is no illusion that she gives then there is no excitement and that makes it purely transactional. Transactional is good for some who only want a release. But for most of us who actually want to enjoy a very passionate time then it's not worth the time or money. Originally Posted by Just a normal guy
With any of them it is purely transactional and if you think there is any true passion on their part then you called it right when you described it as an illusion of passion because an illusion is all it is with any of them there is no true passion involved and I prefer to be a realist on this
Just a normal guy's Avatar
With any of them it is purely transactional and if you think there is any true passion on their part then you called it right when you described it as an illusion of passion because an illusion is all it is with any of them there is no true passion involved and I prefer to be a realist on this Originally Posted by Olmedic
I'm slightly confused, did you agree with me or did you go left field with what I said?
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

HID (21-HID)
Olmedic's Avatar
I do agree with you