Democrats To Petition Pope To Grant Comey Saint Hood.

Well, that's the way it seems, as I watch the various News Shows this Monday Morning.

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that every prominent Democrat that could find a microphone was calling for his head on a platter?

Now it's Saint James.

These hypocrites are a shallow as The Pecos River in August. All of these elected officials, and their Lackeys in the Main Stream Media, still can't come to grips with the fact that America has rejected their agenda, and will continue to do so as long as they continue to act in this manner.
bamscram's Avatar
They changed as quickly as republicans did after Trump secured the nomination.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The vast majority of Americans want an independent special prosecutor.

"An overwhelming 78 percent of Americans believe an independent commission or special prosecutor should handle the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election moving forward, according to a new poll.

The NBC NEWS/Wall Street Journal poll asked Americans whether they would rather see the an independent investigation or Congress handle the probe going forward.

Just 15 percent picked Congress, while 78 percent supported an independent commission or special prosecutor."

"A new CNN/ORC Poll shows the majority of Americans, including an overwhelming number of independent voters, are concerned about the ongoing saga and want a special prosecutor to investigate."

Well, that's the way it seems, as I watch the various News Shows this Monday Morning.

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that every prominent Democrat that could find a microphone was calling for his head on a platter?

Now it's Saint James.

These hypocrites are a shallow as The Pecos River in August. All of these elected officials, and their Lackeys in the Main Stream Media, still can't come to grips with the fact that America has rejected their agenda, and will continue to do so as long as they continue to act in this manner. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You can't see that a lot of people didn't sign up for the agenda trump is putting up.
The white house is in turmoil.
We need to find out how deep the rot goes. It's not so much that he fired Comey. It's the fact he fired the person in charge of the investigation. It's the fact he lied about why he fired him. It's the fact that after Benghazi, you want this wrapped up without a thorough investigation.

Sorry Charlie. This dwarfs Benghazi.
The vast majority of Americans want an independent special prosecutor.

"An overwhelming 78 percent of Americans believe an independent commission or special prosecutor should handle the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election moving forward, according to a new poll.

The NBC NEWS/Wall Street Journal poll asked Americans whether they would rather see the an independent investigation or Congress handle the probe going forward.

Just 15 percent picked Congress, while 78 percent supported an independent commission or special prosecutor."

"A new CNN/ORC Poll shows the majority of Americans, including an overwhelming number of independent voters, are concerned about the ongoing saga and want a special prosecutor to investigate."

You can't see that a lot of people didn't sign up for the agenda trump is putting up.
The white house is in turmoil.
We need to find out how deep the rot goes. It's not so much that he fired Comey. It's the fact he fired the person in charge of the investigation. It's the fact he lied about why he fired him. It's the fact that after Benghazi, you want this wrapped up without a thorough investigation.

Sorry Charlie. This dwarfs Benghazi.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
An investigation in search of a crime.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
If it weren't for double standards Democrats would have no standards at all.
...Sorry Charlie. This dwarfs Benghazi. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It does?

Then it follows that you should be pleased to state for the record how many Americans, in your opinion, perished as a direct consequence of any act involving egregious negligence or incompetence on Trump's part.
The vast majority of Americans want an independent special prosecutor.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Sorry. They don't. No matter what your poll sez.

You on the other hand want another shit sandwich to enjoy.
goodman0422's Avatar
The vast majority of Americans want an independent special prosecutor.

Sorry Charlie. This dwarfs Benghazi.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
We don't need a prosecutor, we just need a nonpartisan investigation. The problem is finding people who can investigate this without bias. (Unbiased reporting would be nice too but I don't expect it will happen.)

The Trump-Russia "connection" has been investigated and reported on for months. What evidence is there? The media has you convinced something happened despite a complete lack of evidence.

Benghazi, on the other hand...

Nice attempt at deflection btw. Thanks fore reminding us of one more reason why Hillary isn't president.

Trump 2020
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So. Fucking. Stupid.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It does?

Then it follows that you should be pleased to state for the record how many Americans, in your opinion, perished as a direct consequence of any act involving egregious negligence or incompetence on Trump's part. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
No point in arguing due diligence on anybody's part in any deaths. Why is that the only data point you're asking about? And please remind me what, was it 7? 8? 9?, investigations of Benghazi determined?
I shouldn't have said "is" bigger. The main difference is that the ongoing investigation is a criminal investigation. Other than the attempt to pin responsibility on an individual of a different party, any criminal aspect of the investigation was aimed at finding the perpetrators. It has been resolved and it serves no real purpose other than as an example of thoroughness. The current investigation certainly has the potential to be bigger as it could be dealing with, a collusion of the executive branch with the Russians is mentioned, or other unknown issues. Its scope is an opinion at this point. We are not privy to all of the facts. It is well documented that there was contact between the 2 groups. It's irresponsible to rush this. They should take as much time as they need to track down all of the leads, where ever they go. Whatever the case, it certainly deserves a thorough investigation.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
We had a nonpartisan investigation going.
Why would you expect them to put the evidence on display before the investigation is over? Trump claims Comey completely went against FBI protocol and spoke with a person who possibly is under investigation. 3 times.
It's not the media that has me convinced. It's trump commenting in a letter to fire a person that they told him 3 times he wasn't under investigation, claiming he has been cleared when that isn't what the person said who he quoted. It's all of the different stories that came out that contradicted each other. It's irrational claims made in tweets with no evidence to back up the claim. It's about a douche-bag who lies at a 70% rate on public statements and who threatens the guy he fired that he better keep his mouth shut.
None of that is proof by itself. All together it says follow every lead. You aren't qualified to comment on the investigation unless you have inside info. Do you?
Didn't think so.

As far as Benghazi goes, what were the findings they came up with?

All 8 of them?

But you want to stop 1 in this case because you don't think there is a reason to continue
It's obvious what your version of "nonpartisan" is. Someone who agrees with you. Someone who agrees with you that Benghazi needs another investigation and this doesn't.
We had as nonpartisan as we were going to get.
Who but trump toadies would take the job?
When they could be fired for....getting close.
They should keep the acting director.

We don't need a prosecutor, we just need a nonpartisan investigation. The problem is finding people who can investigate this without bias. (Unbiased reporting would be nice too but I don't expect it will happen.)

The Trump-Russia "connection" has been investigated and reported on for months. What evidence is there? The media has you convinced something happened despite a complete lack of evidence.

Benghazi, on the other hand...

Nice attempt at deflection btw. Thanks fore reminding us of one more reason why Hillary isn't president.

Trump 2020 Originally Posted by goodman0422
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another shit sandwich?
I've never had a first one.

And by your comment, it's obvious you're already visualizing, as well as savoring the meal to come.
I swear you had so much drool I thought you were iffy.

Naw, just kidding. The only other person you remind me of is that dicksuckingklansman.
After you let that cat out of the bag it put a whole new spin on your posts, ball-flies.
Bon Appetit, douche-bag.
Sorry. They don't. No matter what your poll sez.

You on the other hand want another shit sandwich to enjoy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Manassmuncher want's 0zombie Shit 0ozing, so he can slurp it...

Munchmasterman's Avatar
An investigation in search of a crime. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If it weren't for double standards Democrats would have no standards at all.Remember, you support someone who lies at a proven @70% rate. And you talk about standards Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That sure is ironic coming the lying king's camp and from the Benghazi Bunch.
Which of course came first.

The sad things is that you would rather our country's security was compromised than admit you were wrong.
You won't even wait for a result that says you were right so you could crow at us.
Which brings a big smile to my face. Because you know too that the cocksucker got caught in the golden shower.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So you and gay ray are playing house together tonight? He's posting on your account.
Watch it. The little cocksucker puts holes in his condoms.
Manassmuncher want's 0zombie Shit 0ozing, so he can slurp it...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB