With regard to the health of this co-ed forum, I too am now curious if that could be the case. I have read some others make that accusation. Following the closure of the last SC thread to be immediately followed up with a volcanic explosive thread by PX with guest appearances by SP and sc in support of PX combined with the blended Linguistics and syntax of all three personas leaking from all 3 personas.
I would have not ever linked PX to either of those two previously, just curious as to the assertion that has been put forward. PX is overly defensive of both of those other two personas.
I do think it was silly to believe that SC was a mod in Disguise. That's pretty far from reaching. I really don't think any mod gives two shits enough to bother to work that hard to post anything to any fucktard in this form for the sake of just being a douche.
Certain slang, Referencing self in third person, political polarity.
I'm curious as to what the rest of the animals in this hobby jungle think?
Of course someone in this thread will ask who the fuck am I? I am the fuck me and that can be for another thread.