Providers and capitalism

LovingKayla's Avatar
Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market


[noncount] : a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, pussy etc.) are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government .

It is the effort by an individual to rely on their own sweat and hard work to sell a good that people want to buy. ~journey

I'd been thinking about writing this thread for several weeks now. It all started when I over heard a provider say, "Capitalism is evil." Now, there are a few times in my life where I've not been able to keep my mouth shut. I turned around and said, "What? Are you serious?" I immediately knew I'd made a mistake when she turned around and said, "OH don't tell me, you are one of those crazy conservative capitalist that wouldn't know a tyranny from a granny." First off, I don't why we have to go calling names before the debate can even be made. Secondly, yes.

It occurs to me that many providers may not realize that they are, by the very definition, a capitilist. You are capitilizing on the fact pussy sells. You are the pinical of an individual business person. Your overhead is scarcely 10-20% of your total income (less if you're smart. I'm not smart, I pay at least 20% overhead.) Now that coupled with the fact I'm pretty sure most of you don't pay 30-50% in self employment, state, local, and federal taxes, you are one of the highest paid independent contractors in the world. I'm sure assassins make more (though I've no idea why... we both have about the same risk.)

If you really break down how much money you actually make, you'd be amazed at how much cash actually flows through your hands. And every dollar of it was gotten through the capitalist spirit.

I can't even think of another side to this, so I present it to the board for debate.

Topic: Are providers capitalist?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Love the post!

Anti-capitalism is, essentially, a fashion statement. Somebody always owns those capital goods and always makes a profit. . . or starves. In the "worker's paradise" model of anti-capitalism, the impersonal mask of "the state" simply hides a bunch of bureaucrats who own in all but name the capital goods held "in the name of the people," and it is the bureaucrats first and foremost who profit.

Marx said, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Which, if taken at face value, means your friend the anti-capitalist provider should give pussy to those who can not afford it, since she has the ability and they have the need.

Funny how Utopian ideas fall to shit when reduced to a personal level.

Don't be surprised if this gets moved to "Diamonds" though.
Great topic, hun. I don't really have much to add right now, as I tend to shy away from political (and I guess in this case, economical) topics as a rule, but I just wanted to voice my support for the thread, mostly because it's not pointless and inane. Thank you!!!
mmcqtx's Avatar
Anything that fights the good fight against revisionist history and blood-sucking, rampant liberalism I am on board! How many times have you seen a liberal try to describe our founding fathers as a bunch of "rich, white guys looking for easy profits and gains"? What would these rich, white guys think of our America today? A government that takes 27% of our income off the top, 8.5% more in sales tax, and in most states (thank God for Texas) that isn't even enough, an added state income tax. Those of us who think this is wrong are called greedy. Is it greedy to want to keep what you have earned?
Everytime I go to a grocery store it seems the person in front of me buys a cart FULL of groceries and pays less than $10 after swiping their card (you know the one I mean). They live in homes without paying rent and receive a monthly check from the government on top of that. All without working a day. Who is greedy? If these people worked, there wouldn't be jobs available for illegal immigrants, so another problem would be solved or at least lessened.
God bless the free market economy. God bless those who work for a living. Vote Republican and complain to your Congressman eveytime he tries to give more of your money away!

LovingKayla's Avatar
Ok. Well not the direction I intended but E for effort doll.

I don't mean to bring politics into it. Just economic opinions.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Ok. Well not the direction I intended but E for effort doll.

I don't mean to bring politics into it. Just economic opinions. Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
Inseperable, I'm afraid, the first rule in politics (like pretty much anything else). . . follow the money. Economics is the application of finite resources to infinite demands. And allocation of resources is what gave birth to that which is known as politics.

Definitely an "A" for effort though.
CenterLock's Avatar
I'd be intrigued to hear the basis for the statement "Capitalism is evil". Odds have it the statement was made simply to appear en vogue, though I'd also place a side wager on a lack of proper understanding of the basis of capitalism.

Although I disagree that all implementations of "Greed is good" are noble or worthy, the underlying premise of the speech in Wall Street is sound: Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. It's that "lack of a better word" that causes the problem. Older languages seem to have a feel for nuances that is severely lacking in English (though we do have a multitude). Capitalism is fundamentally the same premise - you have, you sell, you profit. Doesn't matter what it is - goods, services, information. The more you sell, the more you make (theoretically). Take this to the next level and selling isn't good enough - you have to sell more. Enter greed. Still nothing wrong with it. Sell as much as you can.

The problem arises when you either try making without selling; or - more often the case in lower to middle classes - seeing someone else selling and making while it's costing you to buy. This is, after some consideration, possibly a third foundation for the original "Capitalism is evil" mantra spewed forth from some "sellers" - they aren't selling as much as someone else. Competition is - well.... competitive. But as was pointed out earlier - the alternatives are non-production (Who is John Galt?), or produce for all (To each according to their need). I'll choose capitalism every time.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Marx said, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Which, if taken at face value, means your friend the anti-capitalist provider should give pussy to those who can not afford it, since she has the ability and they have the need.

Well, if free pussy is an option I will side with Marx on this thread!!!!
While I leave party politics out of it, the Texas Board of Education in 2010 voted to replace the word “capitalism” throughout their texts with the “free-enterprise system.” “Let’s face it, capitalism does have a negative connotation,” said member, Terri Leo. “You know, ‘capitalist pig!’ ”

No wonder Texas currently ranks 47th in the nation in literacy, 49th in verbal SAT scores and 46th in math scores.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I have to agree that us independents are entrepreneurs, and with that said, I know that I depend on free market capitalism in order to grow my business. We can sit here all day and say that we are in the business out of pure altruism, but no one goes to work simply because it makes them feel good. We get into this business to pay the bills, and the better we run our businesses the more successful we become. However, I also believe that those of us who stay, and are successful, do so for the love of the profession. Just like those who are successful in any respective field, they have a passion for what they do. Each day, I get up and am excited because I get to see those of you I care about. If even for a moment I get to visit your world and be a part of it. However, I couldn't do this if I weren't financially successful. My trips would stop and soon, there would be no business. much as some of us complain (rightfully so, as the word capitalism is viewed somewhere below the word escort about right now, according to the media...), it is true...we are capitalists, as are all the other small business owners in the US....a fact that of proud of! I am a productive member of society as well as a contributing one, and when someone visits me, well.... you know your actually stimulating the US economy and the money actually stays here.
FishGuy13's Avatar
I'd be intrigued to hear the basis for the statement "Capitalism is evil". Odds have it the statement was made simply to appear en vogue, though I'd also place a side wager on a lack of proper understanding of the basis of capitalism.

Capitalism is fundamentally the same premise - you have, you sell, you profit. Doesn't matter what it is - goods, services, information. The more you sell, the more you make (theoretically). Take this to the next level and selling isn't good enough - you have to sell more. Enter greed. Still nothing wrong with it. Sell as much as you can.

... - more often the case in lower to middle classes - seeing someone else selling and making while it's costing you to buy. This is, after some consideration, possibly a third foundation for the original "Capitalism is evil" mantra spewed forth from some "sellers" - they aren't selling as much as someone else. Competition is - well.... competitive. ... I tend to agree it seems most who say it is bad or evil EXPECT things to be given to them and when things are not going their way the other side must be cheating. I'll choose capitalism every time. Originally Posted by CenterLock
It seems to me the ones who say it is evil, need a dictionary!
Thus far comments are just as I expected.
The definition of the so-called Capitalistic system we live under is far more complex than the outdated definition we've accepted as the truth - and there's a reason for that.

In our system corporations exploit labor, our government, the working class, and the buying public thru lobbying, price fixing, price gouging, unfair wages, overblown tariffs (for smaller businesses), illegal outsourcing, and "conflict of interest" contract granting (think Haliburton). This forum/discussion couldn't handle the truth, no more than super small pricks could handle a big, fat, wet one.

Imagine what corporate controlled bureaucratic pimps/providers would do if pussy was essential to life like food, water, oil, medicine, and health-care - under true American Capitalism. There would be plenty of very wealthy pimps/providers thriving in that dick-guided economy.

Know many millionaire pimps/providers in this so-called Capitalist economy?

Don't let the pro-Capitalistic hobbyists fool you. Providers and our current system of Capitalism go together like premium unleaded and SUV's, and and truth is - we're all being pimped, but it's not by who you think. The good 'ol gubment would do good to legalize this hobby - because I'm sure many provider's would tell you - it's still a fuckin' pain in the rear to try to get rich off our cheap asses.

The primary reason some us are on this sight is to escape from the reality of being bent over by a government that's allowing corporate fat cats to screw us at will . . . or maybe it's just to try to mimic the same fuck we're receiving, but on a much smaller scale. The hobby as a true free market? Maybe. The hobby as Capitalism - American style? I don't think any of us could survive it.

And BTW - Capitalism as a free enterprise market (as defined in the OP's definition) would be just fine and dandy. Unfortunately it's not the system we really live under . . . at least not anymore.
pyramider's Avatar
At least there aren't any unions driving up wages and reducing productivity.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Actually there is a union. Elisabeth help me out, what's it called again? Something alliance.

Reeltalk, I relate to what you are saying. But don't forget there are millions of people and business's that do operate under the "old" capitalist code. That is what I'm referring too. I don't think any true red blooded American is going to be ok with fat cat crap from either side (and they are both corrupt.)

I'm a capitalist from waaaay back. Born and raised on things that seem to be leaving the system and it's everything we can do to hold on to it.

Thanks for the replies guys. I appreciate the feedback very much.
mahler's Avatar
I'm currently reading a book from 1982:

The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Daniel Bell

Worth Checking out !