Texting apps

pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
In order to stay anonymous, I use a texting app (in this case TextNow). I like it because it's free, it doesn't require you to enter a real phone number (only an email, and I have plenty of those as well), and it's easy to use on my computer as well as my phone. I usually have two or three numbers so I can change numbers in the event of a lunatic getting my number. I also like that I can delete the app when not in use and thus avoid awkward phone calls or texts.

The main problem is that occasionally they will shut down one of my numbers, presumably because I use it too much. No matter what the reason, I'm not really in a position to argue with them since I want to remain under the radar. So for I've lost three numbers that way.

Does anyone else use a texting app, and if so which one, and how do you like it?
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I used Google Voice for years and loved it. However, GV has recently taken a very anti sex work stand. I switched to Text Now a few months ago and I actually hate it (compared to GV), but changing business numbers is such a nusiance that I’m keeping it for now.

It’s worth noting that the top encrypted and completely secure texting app is Signal. If I were to switch right now, that’s who I would go with
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
Thanks for the tip. I looked, and the one thing I don;t like is that in order to use it on my computer, I need to download the application. I prefer a browser interface so there is no evidence left behind when I'm not using it (I use a VPN and private browsing). Still, I'll give it a try and see if it's worth it.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Ahh, yes. Valid point.
Hobby1750's Avatar
How does Google Voice know one is a sex worker? What do they do to prevent you using the phone?
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
You have to use it at least every 30 days. Text yourself with the apps, you have multiple app numbers. Problem solved.