Easter In Texas = Hail and Havoc

Ok!! I am a Yankee!! BUT and yeah I said BUT!! I got here as soon as I could AND I been dipped and had all my shots. That being said...

So I been here 10 years + and I have noticed a trend,
Easter weekend is Hell, at least in Austin Texas. The air from the gulf and the air from Yankee land clash and we get sh*t on. I still proudly drive my hail dented truck!! (Never seen hail till I found my home in Texas) While in PA (Yankee Land) I have seen snow so deep you kinda swam through it or waddled and undulated and well ya kinda have to be there... I can sell tickets but alas this past year was the year to see it an all... but I digress... not too far though... In Yankee land you may have to plan for days to get "stuck" somewhere... food booze and firewood are important in Yankee land... and order really is of no consequence... but it also factors WHO has the food, booze and firewood...how many days can you eat, fight, or f*ck so to speak...

Native Texans near and far... what weather trend have you seen on the "Spring" holiday and where have you been stuck for it and what kinda naughtiness did you engage in while you were there....

Like I said Yankee land here, and I have seen snow and I have seen the most perfect spring flowers blooming and yes everything is "springing" to life...

So where and what are your memory's...
runswithscissors's Avatar
read your post and remembered two years ago, this week, I had a two hour session here in Austin. Arrived in the morning, clear bright day, 30 minutes later, we noticed the wind picking up, thunderstorms next, lighning, hail, both of our cars pounded, turned on the weather channnel, tornado warning for the area, temp then drops 30 degrees, then it stated sleeting! We both laughed, she turned off her phone, said " I will not get any more appointments today" and back to the bedroom we go!! As we say in Texas, if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes!