Think Before You Vote!

ICU 812's Avatar
Think Before You Vote!

The Democratic party of today is not the party of yur Fathers. The Democratic Party of 2020 is different from what we remember from the past . . .even the recent past.

It is not the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman who lead us through WW-II. It is not the party of President Kennedy or President Johnson. It is not the party of George McGovern or Hubert Humphrey. It is not the party of President Carter who brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt. None of these leaders would support or endorse the Democratic Party of today.

It is not today the party that sought to remake America through legislative programs such as The New Deal, The Great Society or The War on Poverty'. It is not the party that said, " . . .ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

This is not the party of Barbara Jordan or Caesar Chavez, both of whom championed minority rights and opposed illegal immigration. The Democratic Party in 2020 is not the party of Viola Liuzzo or Medger Evers, who each died alone in the cause of civil rights. It is no longer the party of John L. Lewis who lead the march over the bridge at Selma. Nor is it the party of Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young or Jessie Jackson, all of whom knelt over the bleeding body of Martin Luther King as he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

This is not the party that demanded that the protections and freedoms of the Constitution and Bill of Rights be applied for all persons regardless of their point of view or the color of their skin . . . . and then amended The Constitution to explicitly ensure that universal application of those rights occurred. No longer.

Now, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st Century, Democrat mayors and governors have implemented policys and taken actions that discriminate against or suppress Christian and Jewish worship; in effect suspending multiple provisions of the First Amendment.
The Democratic Party has moved away from its' liberal roots of the late 20th Century, to become the party of avowed Marxist-Socialists such as Bill de Blasio, Alexandra Ocassio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democratic party of 2020 has endorsed and given massive financial support to violent radical groups, such as Back Lives Matter and Antifa: organizations or grpups whose announced intention and goal is to dismantle our society . . . . through violence if necessary.

The Party has turned its back on its 20th Century liberal ideals and has instead embraced the radical legacy of Angela Davis, Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown along with Bobby Seal, Abby Hoffman and other domestic terrorists of the 1960s and '70s. This is no longer the party of Head Start or The Peace Corps. The Democrat Party has turned away from the non-violent principles of Gandhi as embraced by Dr. King. It has rather turned to the examples of the Weather Underground.

If a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examination of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if t
hat is what they themselves actually stand for today.

Think before you vote!
  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2020, 07:46 AM
Amen - ICU - the DPST's are antithetical to the Constitution and any concept of individual freedoms - they live and breathe for marxist totalitarian control of America.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its ALL about control and power and money
Number 20. You like starting new threads saying the same thing.

Vote against Trump and the Republicans if you want sane governement not led by a murder cult.
  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2020, 08:12 AM
Vote KumHoela for marxist rule of Comrade Xi in America

And - the DPST will continue their racial identity Plantation politics to control their black voters beholden to welfare and food stamps in their shit hole cities.
get an education

Pull up yo' pants

and learn what the Constitution and Bill of Rights means to Americans!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If the founding fathers could see what a DOTY convention we have going on here in whooker land...

if the dims take both the senate and the presidency

the constitution is in grave peril

don't think it isn't

with dim senate attitudes like ed markey's, where a proper reading of the constitution is "racist, sexist, homophobic and a fancy word for discrimination", rampant among these America haters, and with the wild-eyed immaturity of their co-comrades in the house, these people hold no love or fealty to the nation,

they have been "taught" otherwise and try to act as if they hold the knowledge of the ages, when they are actually thoughtless pipsqueaks seeking momentary personal satisfaction

its rather sickening, you see
ICU 812's Avatar

Vote against Trump and the Republicans if you want sane governement not led by a murder cult. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Where do you see yourself in 2024?

We are now just a few days away from "Election Day". This year more than any other, election day is not the beginning of voting, but the end. It is the last day to vote.

I think I know about where we are now as a nation. I know where we have been and where we come from, though some folks look at that differently. But where we are going and where will we be around this time in 2024?

Voting for either presidential candidate is folly. Booth men are, in my estimation, seriously compromised in terms of character, integrity, temperament, ethics and in the many other ways we ealuate people. Factoring out voting for or against either of them, consider what wikll happoen if one or the other is elected along with other members of his party.

I am convinced that if the Democrats win in national, state and local elections we will see a significant and perhaps irrevocable shift in our society and how we are governed that will bring us down the road of socialism and totalitarianism. Look at Venezuela: Once a capitalist democracy, once an economic and political exelemplar to South America and rich in resources, Socialism has rendered it now dependent on Iran for petroleum and Cuba for medical care (for the governing elite). On the other hand, it is my belief that if the Republicans win broadly, we will be on the road to economic recovery.

To paraphrase the old Human Resources interview question: "Where do you see yourself in 2024?"

Do you see the Nation going down the road to becoming Venezuela, or do you see us well on the way to returning to the USA of December 2019?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
ICU, there is socialism and then there is SOCIALISM.

Many countries are considered socialistic to a degree -- U.K.. Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, and France. And that's just Europe. These countries come under the heading of "Democratic Socialism".

What is a Democratic Socialist?

A democratic socialist believes that the government should provide a range of essential services to the public for free or at a significant discount, such as health care and education. Unlike socialists, democratic socialists do not believe the government should control all aspects of the aspects, only help provide basic needs and help all of its citizens have an equal chance of success.

Democratic Socialism vs. Socialism

Both democratic Socialism and socialism advocate for a redistribution of wealth and power to meet public needs, not make profits for a few. Both aim to weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of the working people.

Democratic socialists, however, do not think the government should immediately take control of all aspects of the economy. Democratic Socialism focuses more on providing basic needs to all people, such as health care and education. Democratic Socialism, unlike Socialism, would achieve this through democratic means and not an authoritarian rule.

I am not going to argue whether or not Biden/Harris winning in 2020 will bring the U.S.closer to Democratic Socialism or not. What I will do is answer your question and say if they are elected we will NOT go down the road to becoming Venezuela any more than the countries mentioned above have.
ICU, there is socialism and then there is SOCIALISM.

Many countries are considered socialistic to a degree -- U.K.. Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, and France. And that's just Europe. These countries come under the heading of "Democratic Socialism".

What is a Democratic Socialist?

A democratic socialist believes that the government should provide a range of essential services to the public for free or at a significant discount, such as health care and education. Unlike socialists, democratic socialists do not believe the government should control all aspects of the aspects, only help provide basic needs and help all of its citizens have an equal chance of success.

Democratic Socialism vs. Socialism

Both democratic Socialism and socialism advocate for a redistribution of wealth and power to meet public needs, not make profits for a few. Both aim to weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of the working people.

Democratic socialists, however, do not think the government should immediately take control of all aspects of the economy. Democratic Socialism focuses more on providing basic needs to all people, such as health care and education. Democratic Socialism, unlike Socialism, would achieve this through democratic means and not an authoritarian rule.

I am not going to argue whether or not Biden/Harris winning in 2020 will bring the U.S.closer to Democratic Socialism or not. What I will do is answer your question and say if they are elected we will NOT go down the road to becoming Venezuela any more than the countries mentioned above have. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
One day this country will be Socialist in all aspects. It will get there through the Educational system, Entertainment Industry, Main Stream Media and of course the political system. The word "Mandate" will be used more and more to place provisions of some sort on the people it's a word that advocates control. Mandates will evolve into Laws. Once these Laws are implemented people will be forced to comply and the Government will gain Control. America has always been under a Government concept "For The People By The People". Under a Socialist model of Government that would no longer be the case. Keep in mind, although America has Socialist programs of sorts, America is not a Socialist Country. I don't think it's a matter of if America becomes a Socialist Country but when, unless the people wake up and realize who their true enemy is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Don't forget the GDP (even with covid 1984) is higher then its been from like the 20s ^^ that will all go away just like Cuba & venezuela etc etc
One day this country will be Socialist in all aspects. It will get there through the Educational system, Entertainment Industry, Main Stream Media and of course the political system. The word "Mandate" will be used more and more to place provisions of some sort on the people it's a word that advocates control. Mandates will evolve into Laws. Once these Laws are implemented people will be forced to comply and the Government will gain Control. America has always been under a Government concept "For The People By The People". Under a Socialist model of Government that would no longer be the case. Keep in mind, although America has Socialist programs of sorts, America is not a Socialist Country. I don't think it's a matter of if America becomes a Socialist Country but when, unless the people wake up and realize who their true enemy is. Originally Posted by Levianon17
a sterling and excellent post

the siren's song of something for nothing that is socialism entices the people's vote. it lessens initiative and ultimately ensnares the people

those in charge ride the wave as along as they can until, at some point, their daughter (as in the case of hugo chavez' daughter) has to hightail it out as the richest person in the country, to some other totalitarian garden spot, leaving the people in their squalor
ICU 812's Avatar
ICU, there is socialism and then there is SOCIALISM.
. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
" .. .a rose by any other name . . "

My wife's family was deeply rooted in Venezuela. Many of her father's relatives have come to the USA, sponsored by him, in the past 20 years. All have lost much due to the socialist policies of first Chavez, then Maduro. They promised free everything and were elected, then changed their constitution to allow more socialism.

Now they are a beggar country on the world stage, while the people starve in the dark.
What is a Democratic Socialist?

A democratic socialist believes that the government should provide a range of essential services to the public for free or at a significant discount, such as health care and education. Unlike socialists, democratic socialists do not believe the government should control all aspects of the aspects, only help provide basic needs and help all of its citizens have an equal chance of success.

Democratic Socialism vs. Socialism

Both democratic Socialism and socialism advocate for a redistribution of wealth and power to meet public needs, not make profits for a few. Both aim to weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of the working people.

Democratic socialists, however, do not think the government should immediately take control of all aspects of the economy. Democratic Socialism focuses more on providing basic needs to all people, such as health care and education. Democratic Socialism, unlike Socialism, would achieve this through democratic means and not an authoritarian rule.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Just to be clear, the shit in red is what I DON'T want.
In 2024 we will be just fine and leading into a new Democratic presidency. We will have actual policies and laws passed. Some I will disagree with some I won’t. The economy will be fine as it always is under democrats. Since Reagan no Republican president has handed off a better economy that he started with. Every Democrat has handed off a better economy than they started with. Republicans economic plans always end up failing.

We will move toward a more just society.

Women will have the choice to have an abortion without undue and unnecessary regulations.

Church and state will indeed be separated.

We’ll get sensible gun regulation and hopefully a gun owners registry (of which I’ll proudly place my name on as I’m not hiding anything).

Higher minimum wage.

More wind and solar, better battery technology as well.

Obama/a Bidencare

13 member SC and restructured lower courts. Return of SC justices to the circuits on rotation which will cause some of the older ones to go ahead and retire. Garland will get the seat that was stolen from him.

I’m sure they will shoot for more once they get rid of the filibuster