Screen your surgeons ladies!

just read this article and thought it was worth a post...

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- There’s a growing trend of untrained doctors doing plastic surgery, and an increasing number of women needing follow-up surgical revisions. 3 On Your Side Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl shows what can happen.

Gia Khay is a Reality TV star, with a new sultry music video.

Now for the first time the 29-year-old is revealing a dark side of her glamorous life. She’s had five painful and devastating breast surgeries, in eight months.

“Something that I’m embarrassed and insecure about,” said Gia. She felt bullied and abused by her first surgeon, who she says gave her much larger implants than she wanted. And she says then follow up operations to fix that left her breasts badly damaged.

“I was upset. I was really upset. I had beautiful breasts before. I’m a young girl. All I wanted was to even it out. I didn’t ask for scars, or ya know or whatever insecurities that it’s given me now,” said Gia.

Gia is seeing Dr. Gary Motykie to repair the botched surgery. He says cases like hers are growing because more untrained doctors are performing plastic surgery than ever before. His revision surgeries are up dramatically.

“It’s up to about 75 percent of my practice now,” said Dr. Motykie.

Gia hopes sharing her story saves other women from the pain she’s suffered. We see her as she has her sixth surgery.

“I’m definitely tired of being under the knife,” said Gia. She had a new implant, and breast reconstruction.

When the bandages come off, for the first time in years Gia looked at her breasts and smiled.

“I really like how, before surgery this is exactly what I wanted. This is really good,” said Gia.

“When you get the surgery done right, it’s not painful. You heal fast. And you get what you want,” said Dr. Motykie.

“I wish the first time I would have really researched, taken a little more time, so I can be happy with the results the first time,” said Gia.

To avoid what happened to Gia, experts say it’s important to do your research and make sure the doctor is board certified in plastic surgery.

poor girl didn't even know she was going under the knife with an untrained surgeon
oops double post.
I screened my surgeon very well and have seen his work first hand on several ladies in the area! I am super excited for my surgery! Only 41 days to go!
good to hear ... what surgery are you having?
oh... I found the answer to that question in your pics thread...

for the record.. I think they look wonderful just the way they are..
Good thing for this thread or I would NEVER think to screen a surgeon. That shit is for smart girls.
aww thanks!! i'm still undecided about that surgery, but i am having a tummy tuck, actually, on Jan 19th.

There are some things that exercise and diet just can't perfect, especially after motherhood, major weight loss, etc! I'm a fan of flat bellies, and soon, I'll own one! lol Hey, I used to weigh 240 pounds, so I'm not beating myself up over the lil "extra" I have now...I just wanna be "better".
Better = 12 inch scar?

Happy to be less than.
Good for you, sweetheart.
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just read this article and thought it was worth a post...

poor girl didn't even know she was going under the knife with an untrained surgeon Originally Posted by moogles

Board certification in many area of medicine includes the number of operations that have been done (or assisted a board certified Doctor) by the Doctor making the application. Skills are developed over a long period of time.

A Doctor should be proud to list his history and certifications that go beyond the simple MD certificate on the wall.

There are many types of training and certificates; ask.

There is the old joke:
What do you call the person who graduated last in his medical school class?