Yep expensive stuff because they know that most plans don't cover it so they can get away with extortion on pricing.
Best way to go is Canadian online pharmacies. My doctor turned me onto them, she met some owners at a convention and thought it was OK. While still not cheap a hell of a lot better than 24 to 34 dollars each. Most of the time around 12.
You may be able to get Cialis from your doctor and have your insurance cover it. It was originally made to treat BPS (benign prostatic hypertrophy). I was given a sample pack for it. They were only 2mg but they dam sure made a difference in the wood department. A person could take more at a time if needed. Also If you get a prescription you can find a $200 coupon for your first purchase. Hope this helps
If the insurance won't pay for Cialis, see if your doc can write a prescription for Revatio. It's a lower dose of Viagra and the intended use is for high blood pressure in the lungs..and it's available as a generic.