
I know that I don't post very often but I felt this was a great time to state a few facts. I finally got a break to sit down and read a few of the forums last night and saw that I was lazy.

Now how would a client that I have not seen call me lazy? Besides being an excellent provider, I teach 2 classes aweek in sensuality and sexuality to both men and women. I am also the Founder of the Sensual Healing Institute. I own Vegas Adult Inc (a porn company) and I do a weekly radio show, and just finished 2 books. But since I do not want to see more than 3 clients in a day I am lazy?

I do not work under a fake name, so why not google me rather than just check review sites? You see most of the most amazing providers NEVER get a review because men want to keep the best a secret, so rates and appts. stay available to them exclusively. In fact one of my clients told me yesterday that he tried to write a review and they rejected it because it wasn't naughty enough .... he respected me so much that he could not talk disrespectful about me.

You see boys I can suck and f*ck as well as anyone, but I am also able to be choosy .... I filmed one of my sessions yesterday and put it on my site my your welcome to judge for yourself. You see as much as I love what I do, I will not take heart at the good old boys club calling me lazy. I will not spend valuable time fight for myself on a website.

As for me and Bree paling around, we don't pal. We are true best friends that happen to give an amazing 2 girl session, I have many provider friends and love them dearly. You see we refer people to each other because we know our name is on the line if one of us fails. If any of you want to meet me in person and judge for yourself. I go to Hippie Church Every Sunday and you can come buy me a margarita and get to know me away from work. Call if you need directions.
Many Blessings
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