facebook and hobby phones

I've recently found a new reason why it is good to have a hobby phone. Facebook! I was on Facebook the other day and looked over in the "People You May Know" section and to my surprise I saw a familiar face of a certain provider I like to see. I clicked the "Show More" button and went through the list to see if their were any other suggestions that are from the hobby. To my surprise there were 3 providers and about a dozen people I knew but there was no way Facebook should have known I knew them since I haven't talked to them in years. I talked to one of the providers and she told me she uses her phone for Facebook. I also use it on occasion and have it set up so I can use my number to log into my account. I can only guess that Facebook somehow goes through your contacts and sees what numbers they also have in their list to make suggestions. As far as the other people I knew that I haven't talked to in years I'm guessing Facebook goes through some address books of emails and compares the email address but some of the people I haven't emailed with the email address I use so who knows how they figured it out. So I suggest a hobby phone with a number not associated with Facebook and also an email that's used for nothing else so Facebook doesn't suggest you to people you might not want knowing your real name or any other info about you. Not sure it would really matter since it looks like Facebook has the FBI, CIA and KGB checking for friend suggestions of anyone you could possibly know.
Paid cash at a junky little store in a low life part of town in Omaha for mine. Won't even go to Walmart and buy one. Hobby phones are the only way to go nowadays. I'd trust the KGB way before any US agency.

Everything is here, choose your link- Facebook and phone sync-ing

screw facebook, linked in, and all those "social media"...they will ultimately be the death of all of us....

or +2 or #3 ????? lol wtf???
The +1 means she agree's with you.

The hobby should never mixed into those sites especially since they already work with LE/FBI/ICE concerning pedophiles. Those sites don't want to be known as the social network of hookers. But, people will make stupid mistakes and some ladies think its good networking.....until they get busted.