Humorous misunderstandings

Just figured run a thread about humorous misunderstandings.
Went to the erotic arts event in Rochester with a few friends. I thought littles was a midget thing... It wasn't. We sat surrounded by adults dressed as babies. No offence to anyone who does that, but we were definitely not expecting it. We were one of the first in, so it took a while for us to realize my mistake.
With same group, we wandered into a swingers information session. Considering we are definitely not those kinds of friends, it was a bit awkward.
Interesting Egg.
Just so ya know... furries has nothing to do with hair, although it may have something to do with hare....
Alchemist2u's Avatar
Back around 2000 there was a BDSM site online called 'POWWOW' it was actually being used to test and develop websites for traditional businesses, not including the oldest one. But this prved a useful way to test the software with fairly high volume. Participants ranged from very serious lifestylers to the curious. Several of the online relations eventually went real time and at least three that I know of have persisted to now.

One woman I met on there came into the room one night and announced she had been in a serious accident, totaled her car, etc. A while later she came in again and announced that her MD had told her something that she took to mean she could not have any more children, I had talked with her a bit but never met her and was curious so I PM'd her and asked for more info. She then told me that the MD said she had a cracked 'cervical' vertebra. I wanted to laugh, but held it in. So, I politely asked if he also said anything about 'whiplash'. He had. At that point I had to explain basic anatomy - the cericcal vertebra being in the neck, not further south. To be fair, this person probably had never had either a sex ed class or HS biology either. OH Well. She was very happy to get this info.
Just figured run a thread about humorous misunderstandings.
Went to the erotic arts event in Rochester with a few friends. I thought littles was a midget thing... It wasn't. We sat surrounded by adults dressed as babies. No offence to anyone who does that, but we were definitely not expecting it. We were one of the first in, so it took a while for us to realize my mistake.
With same group, we wandered into a swingers information session. Considering we are definitely not those kinds of friends, it was a bit awkward. Originally Posted by egg585
Hahaha, that is hilarious. I'm a little. It's nice to take a break from being an adult sometimes. I know it sounds weird coming from someone who does dom stuff, but that's me.