Wish Me Luck Ladies & Gents!!!

VeronicaKY's Avatar
Welp, the time has finally come for me to hit the road. I leave Kansas tomorrow and head up north to Minnesota. Unfortunately my uncle passed away and I have a funeral to attend this Saturday. Hoping the weather isn't terrible as they have been getting quite a bit of snow the past few weeks. Also hope I make enough cash today so that my trip can be stress free!!! Please think of me on my journey and send good vibes for my safe passage there and again on my journey back home to Wichita. Have a great weekend everybody!
My condolence on your loss. Travel safely and enjoy your time with family. I owe you a visit for your kindness you showed to Molly after her fire. I will fully that when you return to Wichita.
DallasRain's Avatar
wishing ya safe travels...and condolances

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Sending warm wishes for safe travels and return trip. May you remember the good, release the bad, and always know you have a new angel flying watch around you.

Sarah Renee
VeronicaKY's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your kind words & thoughts! And huskerred, it was my pleasure to try and help out, I don't expect anything in return. I always try to help others when they are down and out because lord knows we all hit our low points and need a friend at times. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Much love everyone and stay safe out there.
VeronicaKY's Avatar
Hey everyone, I made the trip there and back safely and am so glad to be home. Its always nice to see my family, but the drive up and back is so exhausting and always takes a lot out of me. My Uncle's memorial service was simple and small just the way he would've wanted it to be. It was a beautiful thing to see family and old friends from near and far come together and share all of our different fond memories of good old Uncle Gene. Thanks once again to all of you who wished me well in my travels, all the good vibes definitely kept me safe along the way. I hope to go back up and visit again in June, hopefully under much more joyful circumstances next time. Hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend and stayed safe doing so. Hugs and kisses everyone, have a wonderful week!