As some of you may know GBN is down today. I spoke to the captain and the server was attacked and it will be down for a few days. Ill keep you posted on updated info as soon as I know more. Any questions feel free to ask !!

UPDATE: The beta version of the site should be up and running Monday!!!
I have my fingers crossed that your coming to see me this
Thanks K2D,

Some of us in indy were wondering too.
LemMotlow's Avatar
Thanks for the update K. I was on vacation last week and was wondering what the deal was when I tried to check it out today.
Hey guys! Talked to him today and he wanted me to let you all know that its coming along slowly but surely and he was able to get alot done today but it'll be sometime this week if all goes accordingly/ Also, Im not sure if it's as soon as it goes up or sometime after but some upgrades will be made to the site and more options available!! Yayyy love GBN 2.0 LOL ill keep you posted!
LemMotlow's Avatar
Thanks for the update. The GBN has needed a platform update for a while and if completed, would be a good thing.
  • sethg
  • 03-08-2012, 05:27 PM
This is posted on Southern GFE and also several other boards, sorry Kay, but this is not the first time people have seen or done this, sounds fishy to me:

Posted and can easily find this on google under GBN

Information and warnings about Grain Belt News:

"I want to send out an FYI about a potentially harmful website. I was recently informed that the owner of the website grainbeltnews has been engaging in malicious behavior including posting slander about individuals in order to serve personal agendas, jeopardizing lives and marriages of members, in addition to harassing and extorting women he has taken pictures of. The owner of Grain Belt News goes by "Publisher" on the site, but is also known as "Yetanotherguy". Use GBN at your own risk."

"He has manipulated several providers by trying to have a personal romantic relationship and when they do not want to pursue that, he will make up some big sob story about how they led him on or that the provider is a psychopath. Basically, he tells lies about them and on a couple of occasions…he puts them in “Whispers and Warning” on his board Grain Belt News and tries to ruin them."

"The board owner asked to see me last year and I turned him down cause I don't see board owners...

Someone started a rumor that I was working with LE in Illinois and the board owner is going along with it....

Total lies.......

I will no longer post on that site. It's a crappy site to begin with!

I would stay away from that board if you like and have worked hard for your reputation...."

I really dont know what to say about all that. Ive seen that same info posted on other boards as well. I cant speak for anybody else but that's never been my experience . I know there are 3 sides to every story , her side, his side and the truth ... What I was told was something different, but again I cant speak first hand about any of that.
But Ive posted the info because there are alot of people that do use GBN and Im sure they were curious about whats going on.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Sounds like there's a bit of a cyber-war taking place between board owners. Ahhh... Just what we all want....drama, and infected computers
LemMotlow's Avatar
Just thought I would mention that the information sethg reported was from a blow up about a year ago and has nothing to do with whatever has caused the GBN to be down. There is drama like this on every one of these boards, so not sure exactly why this is being pointed out.
  • sethg
  • 03-09-2012, 07:55 AM
It is simply being pointed out for those unaware of it, and if in fact it is true this person is doing this, since it is coming from numerous sources when you google it, then it is pretty clear that the board is not safe.
I do not feel anyone should battle between boards, but when I see numerous posts about a board director as I have with GBN in the last few days and google and several posts of negative value are there, it is a concern for any provider or hobbyist.
Omahan's Avatar
It is simply being pointed out for those unaware of it, and if in fact it is true this person is doing this, since it is coming from numerous sources when you google it, then it is pretty clear that the board is not safe.
I do not feel anyone should battle between boards, but when I see numerous posts about a board director as I have with GBN in the last few days and google and several posts of negative value are there, it is a concern for any provider or hobbyist. Originally Posted by sethg
I believe the rumors to be true based on stories I was told by one lady involved. Of course, that's not proof and you all need to decide for yourselves.
I've heard a couple of horror stories from two ladies. But, like Omahan said.....make your own decision.
it may be on numerous boards but im pretty sure the sources are 3 ladies. But I cant confirm or deny what really traspired between the parties involved but i guess the infos out there any people can make their own informed decision. Personally, ive never had an issue with GBN or any of the board members,owners,viewers , And along with eccie and other sites its been very useful and valuable for me but whatever floats your boat i guess