Refering a provider in...

LoneWolf_n_AZ's Avatar
I'm looking for a little info. When I was visiting Dallas, a provider there told me that the only way provider can join ECCIE is by being refered in. Um, is that correct? If so what option do I use? Is it the invite a friend? If not that, then what? This provider I saw yesterday is very interested in being a part of Eccie. She does reside in AZ, but does travel often. She is very legit and a pretty hot 22yr old. Just doing what I can here......
johnnybax's Avatar
Anyone can join ECCIE. There are some requirements for provider status though. When she joins have her contact a local moderator to get the verification rolling.

Thanks for spreading the word about ECCIE.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Who is it Lone Wolf? I know most of the Phoenix ladies. If she will sign up as a regular member, then send me a note. We can take it from there.