Frack or Iraq

Frack or Iraq

Alan Aszkler

Based on actions, not rhetoric, the environmental movement supports America's Middle East Wars. How did it come to this pass?

In the seventies a seemingly harmless feel good emotional appeal was launched to raise awareness of the environment; they called it Earth Day. The agenda of this fledgling movement demonized the American domestic energy industry. Following the successful framework of the China Syndrome model, a trusting yet unsuspecting public accepted scientific fallacies as truth and formed an emotional attachment to their doomsday scenario.

Today environmental extremists are subjecting Americans to the same constant barrage of special effect imagery, junk science and doomsday predictions. Fracking is the new "Hell no we won't glow" battle cry for the environmental movement.

Pictures of flaming faucets, exploding wells, and spectacular Hollywood chicanery are all designed to instill fear into the hearts and minds of our children. Nothing promotes an emotional attachment to an issue like the scared eyes of a child, sippy cup in hand, shivering in abject fear that the kitchen faucet will burst into flames.

Entertainment industry accomplices will gladly prostitute their fame parroting ignorant unscientific propaganda, be it written into prime time programming, endless self centered red carpet interviews, mindless talk shows or congressional show trials. The self-serving celebrity always portraying themselves as the champion of the little guys, never challenged by a fawning media who fail to rebuff or challenge the psychobabble.

When attacking the sound scientific evidence and strong economic growth advantages of developing America's domestic energy resources fails, one sympathetic judge can thwart the will of the people oppressing the liberty of our free society.

Environmentalists' through extreme activist legislation have shut down domestic energy production. The EPA now stands for "End Petrochemical Access" and the DOE "Develop Overseas Energy." Punitive laws and regulations forced American energy companies to take millions of high paying American jobs, world class American innovative technology, and $375 billion American dollars of annual GDP overseas. Though once a fledgeling movment, today's enviro-lobbyist culture orchestrates the fleecing of taxpayers ,the shaking down of industry and the wastful spending of billions of tax dollars promoting the false hope of costly, inefficient, and ecomonically unsustainable green energy.

America is the economic powerhouse, the shinning city of Liberty, and the future of the free world. We can continue to bury our heads in Arabian sand hiding from the reality of our daily energy needs while wishing our biggest wish for some pie in the sky green energy alchemy.

Accept this reality, American domestic energy development of hydro-electric, clean coal technologies , compressed natural gas, refined hydrocarbons, next generation nuclear energy, and bio gas will fuel the innovative engine of American economic freedom.

It's time to draw a line in the sand and frame the context of the Environmentalists tired arguments in a new light!

Frack or Iraq? I choose to drill for our energy and stop sending America's armed forces overseas to kill for our energy. is a God, Family, and Country Reagan Conservative who believes its time to get the politicians out of Politics and allow American Ingenuity to restore our economy with American exceptionalism.