Bare back is a fetish!!!

I've been on here for some time now have noticed that bareback seems to be something that most people seem to frown about. But in my time in the hobby it happens and happens a lot!! I could go on BP and search 10 ads and at least 3 of them would do BB. It's usually a little extra. But it available. And it's fun. I think it's time we all start been adults and admit that some providers offer it and enjoy it as most men. Sure it's a chance but doing this is a chance. We put all our hopes in a thin piece of rubber to protect us from ever std out there and one pop of that rubber and were all in the same boat you ask me.

Three years ago I was enjoying this provider cowgirl style and it was feeling great 15 mins into it we realized that the condom had pop and the feeling she and I was having was BB. So what's a guy to do we decided to continue since it had already happen and there was no turning back from it. Turned out to be on of the best times of my life. I ended up seen this girl for the next year BB ever time. We both agreed to get regular check up and I never got nothing from her except a good time.

One year ago I was with a provider in my home town, real sweet girl. And we had started out with a little oral and then the condom came out. We'll I got on top and we started having sex. I swear that thing felt like I was wearing a tire tube on my stuff!! She could tell I wasn't really into to it and she asked me. I told I couldn't feel a thing. Then I asked of she ever did anything without one. She said that due to the nature of her business she didn't because of the possibility of an std. I told her I understood but since we were in my house and she knew I was married she knew I didn't have anything. And in a small quick agreement we both professed our clean bill of healthy band off came the condom. Awesome sex!!! And ever time after that. And since I had a vasectomy 10 year prior it was open season on no pulling out.

Hey I understand a lot of girls won't but this is a fetish and a lot of guys love it. If you don't, don't respond to this thread if you do or just want to chime in feel free. But what goes on between consenting adults is there business.

The truth.
Boltfan's Avatar
Can't say I agree this is a fetish, as much of a preference.

Given the choice, I would safely wager every guy on here would prefer bareback if there were zero consequences. I can't say the same about pegging.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Don't know if it is a fetish either. Usually girls who are into fetishes let you know about their fetishes or that they are fetish friendly. I think I've seen two ads or know of 2 girls who openly advertise BBFS. Having said that, I know it happens and happens frequently in the hobby. I do think it would be refreshing to see this taboo discussed a little more frankly and not made such a negative topic. I think some are so quick to be outraged that the topic is even discussed. To me, those that protest the most are probably the ones who actually do BBFS-- both guys and girls. BTW, I do think it would be good to see providers who offer it come forward.
Just because you're married doesn't mean you don't have anything. bareback is not a fetish, but a preference which puts both parties at risk. Like, why even? Screenings don't catch everything immediately as some sti's lie dormant before even showing symptoms or coming up on a test.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 11-10-2013, 09:08 PM
I've been on here for some time now have noticed that bareback seems to be something that most people seem to frown about. Originally Posted by The truth

I want you to know that I consider you so brave to stand behind your statement when you claim you've been on here for some time and yet this is your first post and you just barely created this account on this website earlier today.

I guess technically since a fetish is something that's considered taboo and shunned in a community, and bareback intercourse is taboo and shunned in our community - yes it might be considered a fetish.

I only like BBBJ, and yes we do run the risk of catching whether we use protection or not. as far as BB-Full Service goes, personally I'll pass. But to each their own as long as its between consenting adults.
I want you to know that I consider you so brave to stand behind your statement when you claim you've been on here for some time and yet this is your first post and you just barely created this account on this website earlier today.

I guess technically since a fetish is something that's considered taboo and shunned in a community, and bareback intercourse is taboo and shunned in our community - yes it might be considered a fetish.

I only like BBBJ, and yes we do run the risk of catching whether we use protection or not. as far as BB-Full Service goes, personally I'll pass. But to each their own as long as its between consenting adults. Originally Posted by savak

I had a different name at the time.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
CREAMPIES are a fetish related to BB & usually combine an interest in planting seeds to propagate. Not very discreet in the hobby world where the majority of players are married.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I don't know if someone desires a creampie fetish is also someone interested in propagating. However, I think you nailed it by saying creampies are a fetish, and really the only way to indulge in the creampie fetish is to go bareback. I will admit a certain fascination with the creampie fetish. It is something I would be curious to try, but I have no desire to get someone pregnant. Participating in this fetish would take a lot of trust on behalf of both parties and probably best done outside of the hobby world. However, I think it can be done in the hobby under the right circumstances.
I've been on here for some time now have noticed that bareback seems to be something that most people seem to frown about. Originally Posted by The truth
Considering both people involved probably have multiple partners, I would say that is the case

But in my time in the hobby it happens and happens a lot!! I could go on BP and search 10 ads and at least 3 of them would do BB. It's usually a little extra. But it
available. And it's fun.
Then please post reviews so I know who to keep off my list when i am in your town

I think it's time we all start been adults and admit that some providers offer it and enjoy it as most men. Sure it's a chance but doing this is a chance. We put all our hopes in a thin piece of rubber to protect us from ever std out there and one pop of that rubber and were all in the same boat you ask me.
You're not big on this stuff we call science, are you?

Hey I understand a lot of girls won't but this is a fetish and a lot of guys love it. If you don't, don't respond to this thread if you do or just want to chime in feel free. But what goes on between consenting adults is there business.

The truth.
Bareback is not a fetish, it is playing Russian Roulette with your dick and not being considerate of others. For all I know you have a wart the size of a jolly rancher on the bottom of your junk and i don't don't need that nor does any man. So as i said (especially in your case) Sharing is caring. Please post reviews so at least I can avoid the providers you have enjoyed your "fetish" with.
Wow, I've heard it all now. It's fine that you like bb sex, who doesn't, but if you show your thread to anyone with any education, they would ask you to get your head examined. You're gambling with your life and your wifes life. I know this is a risky profession already, why add extreme risk. I think providers that give bbbjs are at the same risk. Pre cum can get you sick also. You can say, well being an escort is risky in itself and I agree, but so is deep sea diving in the ocean. You may can swim, but do you really wanna dive without your equipment?
Sophia Jimenez's Avatar
I would have to say I agree. Being an escort is risky in itself. Why add more risk and play with the lives of your spouses? It doesn't make sense. In a perfect world, we would all be able to have BBFS with no worries, but that's not realistic, especially here in our world. If a provider will allow you to bb her, how many other clients do you think could "pay her a little more"??? Its foolish to think you would be the only one paying for BB services. Everyone doesn't take care if themselves the same and its stupid to trust your life with a stranger. STI's and AIDS are REAL PPL!!! This is a business and you have to play smart out here. BBFS should be saved for spouses for that reason alone. How do you explain herpes to your wife/husband??? If you dont care abt yourself thats fine, but dont put your someone else life at risk.
Sophia and Ladylove. You are both young, inexperienced in the hobby world and still into black and white thinking since the frontal cortex is still not fully developed.
Also typical of young providers new in the hobby where as bbbj in not on the menu(yet). Most likely because of fear of inflated statistics that generally don't apply to the hobby community as a whole.
Why does it not apply to the hobby community as a whole. Well because we as a whole generally take better care of ourselves both in healthy living, regular visits to our doctors and better hygene.
Cpalmson is right it happens a lot more than what is talked about and, has for quite some time.
As far as risky. Hell there is more risks in crossing the street, driving a car or getting on an airplane full of people carrying colds/flu etc.
And, don't even get me started on what you are at risk for if you end up in a hospital.
Sophia Jimenez's Avatar

how do you know that??? Bc ppl SAY they get checked regularly??? There's no way you're actually taking time out of your day to go get checked with everyone you hook up with??? Even in everyday life, there are risks with sti's with people that you actually date! I just feel as if its being reckless in an already risky situation. I live by the saying "Better SAFE than sorry." No amt is worth my health. And just because im new to this site doesnt mean im new to this world. As I said before if you dont care abt your life thats fine but dont put someone else's life at risk.
ZedX79's Avatar
I agree that bareback is risky in the hobby world (risky in the non-hobby world as well), but there is a point to be made about if the condom broke and you didn't realize it until sometime later in the session, might as well finish it. You're already exposed to whatever may lie beneath. Just go get tested and then get tested again 6 months from that session.

Is it a fetish? No. Is a creampie a fetish? Absolutely. Brave of you to mention you do that, of course I am now sure many providers will read this thread and choose not to see you. I also think that a few will PM you and perhaps offer their BB services. For those who won't see you anymore because of this thread, you'll perhaps choose a different sign on name and contact them that way.
Am I to understand the ladies rely on the rubbers to not get pregnant.? Surly they are on the pill. I would never think the ladies would take a chance even with their boy friends or SO.