Boiling Toys?

Wondering if any of the PM experts here can help me out, have some brand new silicone plugs from Tantus, it said on the site where they were ordered that they can be boiled to clean them, but I dont' see it on the packaging. I tried boiling them for an initial clean, and it looks likey're still intact but now I'm worried that I might have affected their integrity and they might break off during play. Can you really boil these things and it doesn't damage them in any way? Going to be my first PM experience very soon and I'm already nervous, I don't want to be worried about the toys. I can't deal with an embarassing trip to the ER to explain why there is something stuck up there.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I always cover my toys with a condom even after I've cleaned them.

I don't know about this particular company, though. Tuntus has some quality products, it seems.

But boiling silicon toys? I'm looking forward to seeing what others suggest but I use a toy cleaner. Very hot and soapy water. Stopped using bleach on toys.

I clean with hot soap and water. Then a toy cleaner. Then I use a condom on my things. I've never had an issue with clients or myself while doing so.

Who else has some suggestions for this person? Thanks for the topic!

mm-good's Avatar
Don't know the official protocol but I follow same process as you EW. Seems good practice to use condoms on the toys - just made sense to me and I learned it from the "AssReaper"
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 11-26-2013, 01:53 PM
Since you can use silicon bakeware for baking in an oven at much higher temperature than boiling, I suspect they'll be just fine.

And if the manufacturer says it's OK, you're probably good to go.

But you can always contact them and ask.
1. Hot soap and water, use a brush and scrub scrub scrub, water rinse

2. Spray down with isopropyl alcohol 70%

3. Air dry

4. Store in fresh ziplock bag.

5. Apply condom and play.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I agree with the others, hot soapy water and toy cleaner will clean them well, and always protect your toys with a condom. Wouldnt want to risk boiling them and losing them....though you might cum up with some kool shaped toys
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with MsAthena

finger cots and condoms are great for covering toys for playtime
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Yes you can safely boil silicone toys. I wash mine thoroughly with soap and water between every use and that does disinfect them properly. But I also boil them for good measure when I get home. Really soap and water should do the trick, but it's nice to boil them anyway I think.
LMAO I just pictured some one walking in the kitchen and checking to see what's for supper on the stove.
Lhornbk's Avatar
I'm the same as everyone else, I use condoms on them and just clean them.
Better safe than sorry.
Use NEW and there is no worry.
Peace of mind is PRICELESS.
Yep, same as EW, Condoms always on for boys or girls and wash with antibacterial soap and toy cleaner
You can also put toys in the dishwasher.
I found "finger cots" recently at Dollar Tree...package of 50 for $1
I have only ever boiled my pyrex toys (glass). I would personally suggest using just hot water and soap as everyone else has suggested.