Object sexuality/Objectum sexuality/Objektophilie (OS)

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll admit to something that I probably shouldn't. For the past week, I've been watching past seasons of "Boston Legal". It's a guilty pleasure and I'm watching all of the shows on DVD.

One of the characters in the show has some issues of objectum sexuality. He is in love with his doll. And it's not just having a sex doll to have sex with. The doll is a "virgin". If this sounds off and possibly disturbing, it's not so much. It's more "quirky" and I guess that you would have to see the show to understand it.

When I think about it, it seems as if one had the creativity to fall in love with an inanimate object, life would probably be less dramatic.

There is a lady who married the Eiffel Tower, her name is Erika Eiffel , and she has created a website about this issue; objectum-sexualitity.org

Although I could see this topic has being somewhat funny, there is some seriousness of the issue to be considered.

Thoughts? I've started the topic off with just a few brief thoughts. I think that we could really go into some depth about what this is, what might cause it (check that Wiki site!) and well, who might wish to give it a try.

Or who might already have some sort of "relationship" with an inanimate object.

algrace's Avatar
My pet rock was very popular in grade school. Looking back on it now, maybe too smooth after being handled by so many hands. To call ‘stoney' promiscuous would be an exaggeration.

Too funny to be serious, no. The inanimate object currently holding my affection is mostly stemming from the object not being mine. Lack of possession is driving the desire.
SoleMan's Avatar
I'll admit to something that I probably shouldn't. For the past week, I've been watching past seasons of "Boston Legal". It's a guilty pleasure and I'm watching all of the shows on DVD.

One of the characters in the show has some issues of objectum sexuality. He is in love with his doll. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Maybe this sort of thing only happens on TV. I was a big fan of the show "Nip/Tuck" when it was on the air. They had an episode, late in the series after they had run through just about every other taboo topic, where one of the office hires was sexually attracted to furniture and was eventually fired after being caught making love to a couch.

EW, if you haven't run through that show yet, you might want to check it out as it tackles just about every other realm topic you can imagine.
I know this is not the same thing, but I have turned my ATF into an object on many occasions. No speech, nothing. Just an object. Many threads and posts could be had on this theme.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Guns and knives are often loved by men, though not sexually--obviously.
LindseyLacey's Avatar
when i turn it on...
it turns me on...
it is both dominant and submissive...
it runs hot..fast..dangerous...
outweighs me by ten times...
but will do exactly what i tell it to do...
it teaches me many things...
we watch over each other...
we are good for each other...
we have the best conversations...
we both like leather and metal...
we have dates...
we have adventures...
we travel...
when we are alone...
nothing else matters...
i do not think about anything else...
there should be a new word for the way i feel after a ride...
we are loyal to each other...
we have secrets...
is this love?...obsession?...
or something better?...
mm-good's Avatar
when i turn it on...
it turns me on...
it is both dominant and submissive...
it runs hot..fast..dangerous...
outweighs me by ten times...
but will do exactly what i tell it to do...
it teaches me many things...
we watch over each other...
we are good for each other...
we have the best conversations...
we both like leather and metal...
we have dates...
we have adventures...
we travel...
when we are alone...
nothing else matters...
i do not think about anything else...
there should be a new word for the way i feel after a ride...
we are loyal to each other...
we have secrets...
is this love?...obsession?...
or something better?... Originally Posted by LindseyLacey

This is SO HOT!
Guns and knives are often loved by men, though not sexually--obviously. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
As both a knife maker and collector I can relate to this, but certainly not sexually!
when i turn it on...
it turns me on...
it is both dominant and submissive...
it runs hot..fast..dangerous...
outweighs me by ten times...
but will do exactly what i tell it to do...
it teaches me many things...
we watch over each other...
we are good for each other...
we have the best conversations...
we both like leather and metal...
we have dates...
we have adventures...
we travel...
when we are alone...
nothing else matters...
i do not think about anything else...
there should be a new word for the way i feel after a ride...
we are loyal to each other...
we have secrets...
is this love?...obsession?...
or something better?... Originally Posted by LindseyLacey

I love it!!! I used to feel the same way about the hot rod I built....something I crafted and modified to suit my tastes. I was 18 years old again every time she roared to life. Sadly, she is gone now after more than a 10 year relationship but I understand and know the feeling.