submissive/ Daddy/little girl play

  • Sonya
  • 12-06-2013, 03:22 PM
Fairly new to the hobby. Just curious if there is a market on interest in having a submissive. See a few pro dommed but not any submissives in Houston. Granted I haven't searched much.
You'll find many men interested; especially with someone such as yourself who is attractive and appears to be a genuine submissive. My careful and find a provider/mentor or two who has done it for years in such a role. If it were me, I'd only let my trusted regulars know of your submissive side. Contact me via PM or on 411 and we can discuss further.
I agree. You will have plenty of takers but you need to be very careful with this. For your safety you are going to need to know a guy real well. There needs to be a high level of trust from your side and a high level of respect from his side.
RoDunn's Avatar
Submissives are always welcome in Houston.
As the others have said, being a female submissive is tricky in the normal world, but in the provider world there are additional dangerous issues. If you are serious, I would talk to someone at one of the local dungeons for advice, I am not sure in Houston but I do know that several of the dungeons elsewhere have pro subs, they would be a good resource. Barring that, I would recommend going to local BDSM educational resource events and educating yourself. I would, however, recommend not sharing your occupation at said events, as sadly, there are many people who look down on it.

You might also want to reach out to Nic Buxom, she is a Pro Domme and also has a webcomic, but has also done prosub work previously. (Also, it's a great webcomic). Oh, and she cosplayed as Velma from Scooby Doo, HAWT.

Either way, good luck and be careful!
  • Sonya
  • 12-10-2013, 12:16 PM
Kudos on the Lenard Cohen. Yes i wouldnt offer these services lightly or to new clients. Thanks everybody for the advice. Ill research more