Questions About Relaxing/Preparing From a PM Newbie

Have some toys ready, meeting Mistress in a few days hopefully, wondering if anyone has any advice before then. Planning to eat light for the previous 24-48 hrs, and have Fleets for a proper "cleaning" an hour or so before. Would it be a good idea to take an Immodium tablet beforehand, just to make sure there are no unwanted nasty messes to clean up? Also, from reading various articles, understand it's very important to be relaxed down there so that there are no injuries, does anyone think taking a Xanex would help calm those newbie nerves? Just a bit stressed, would be nice to hear from those with experience. Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks in advance...
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Are planning on have your ass hammered? If not I dont usually require any special prep other the your shower. I find doing a laxative or Fleets enema right before a session can lead to a bigger mess as it will cause the bowel to contract and cramp. I also request that you hydrate and do eat that am as you will need your energy, maybe a light lunch. If you want to do warm water flush prior to a session then that is good, but even then on some men it cause more moisture which leads to a bigger mess. You will have to learn your body and how it responds. As well as any good Mistress has pads, wet wipes and gloves handy, as there is ALWAYS a chance.....................Hav e fun!!
DallasRain's Avatar
wise words MsAthena! and ditto!

I also like for a guy to shower or I will give him a bubble bath when he arrives..that way he is extra clean and ready for ANY kind of fun!
Thanks Ms. Athena & Dallas, appreciate your feedback. Ms. A, actually Immodium is the opposite of laxative effect, sorry to be gross here but it sort of plugs things up instead of making them go. Was wondering if it would be smart to take one before session or if any subs here have done it before? Will definitely stay hydrated and eat light, thanks for the tip. As for the fleets, I was thinking maybe not doing it directly before (so as to avoid a mess in the next few hours following the cleaning), and instead doing it 3-4 hours before session, anyone think that's smart? When do you subs out there typically clean things out before meeting a mistress?
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
The day before your session eat only fruits and vegetables and things that go through your digestive system quickly. About 2-3 hours before your session, take a fleet enema and empty the original contents. Refill with clean water that is warm, around your body temperature, and then use the enema according to the instructions. Hold the water inside you for a few minutes and then empty. Repeat at least once or maybe twice if you'd like. Then shower again to make sure the external parts of your body are clean again post-enema. Make sure you do this several hours out to give your body time to settle from that experience. If you need to eat the day of your appointment, eat things that move through your body slowly, like pasta or potatoes, rather than things that move through your body quickly like vegetables or fruit.

Do not take any drugs before your session. If you are really interested in preparing yourself, I would suggest lubricating one of your fingers the next time you are in the shower and gently pushing into your ass, slowly, and at whatever pace your body accepts without pain. Even just putting the tip in and flexing your sphincter muscle to understand how it feels and also to teach yourself lesson 101 about how to relax that muscle will go a long way toward preparing you for an enjoyable session if you are totally new to it.
Awesome, TY so much! Very helpful.