No AA...why?

Not trying to start a hate post, but I'm just genuinely interested in some of the reasonings why some ladies say no AA. Weird thing is my current ATF posts no AA but still sees me on the regular (I'm black btw). I guess I'm trying to figure out which providers say "NBA" but are still willing to see black guys.
needingmilking's Avatar
I thought it was the pimps that ordered? They dont want competition?
Ya we are about due for one of these.
Velvetangeltouch's Avatar
I say it because I've had to many issues with clients.. One bad apple ruins the bunch!! Except I've had several and said I'm done!!!! I have no issue being honest.. Please don't be offended different folk different stroke.. I guess you say
Randall Creed's Avatar
Not trying to start a hate post, but I'm just genuinely interested in some of the reasonings why some ladies say no AA. Weird thing is my current ATF posts no AA but still sees me on the regular (I'm black btw). I guess I'm trying to figure out which providers say "NBA" but are still willing to see black guys. Originally Posted by FriskyGambino

What's rule #1 of the fight club??
mrredcat43's Avatar
What's rule #1 of the fight club?? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson
Chung Tran's Avatar
One bad apple ruins the bunch!! Originally Posted by Velvetangeltouch
I gather you don't have any Osmonds records in your collection..
plove35's Avatar
Who gives a phuck? There are more ladies without a NBA than those with. Go see them and stop worry about the why.

Like you FG, we all have atf that says she doesnt do this or that but with us she does. Come on guy

Btw I am AA.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
I've noticed that when a hobbyist writes a request in the ISO section some will put no AA providers so why is it a problem when we put no AA hobbyist? You guys have preferences just like we do. Get over it

Btw I'm a "Yes AA" provider.
ManSlut's Avatar
Ya we are about due for one of these. Originally Posted by THN
Yeh, I know (rolling my eyes)...Is this all Bruthas can dwell on?

What's rule #1 of the fight club?? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
(Rolling my eyes again) Whatever

To the OP, your answer, but I'm sure you are well acquainted with the reasons why, but, you just had to ask? I hope my response enlightens you, doubt it, but no one really cares about this issue, especially the Bruthas that know how to treat a Lady and how to act....

1. The young Hookers, white, black, brown, yellow, green or blue who have NBA policies are pimped, and let's guess 75% of the sorryass pimp world is the BruthaMan, this is the pimp's way of minimizing other pimps trying to recruit his Hoes....DUH

2. The Legit Ladies don't like disrespectful, women are only fuck objects mentality, women hating ways of a LARGE percentage of the BruthaMan's ways...DUH II

3. #2 leads to this - A large percentage of the BruthaMans, because of their misguided attitudes about women, have to have ROUGH SEX...It's part of the Large Percentage of the BruthaMan's main characteristic in Life - He's eat up with the ALPHA MALE complex.

4. This is probably the main reason why women, not just white women have NBA policies - A large percentage of the BruthaMans like to try to HUSTLE the Ladies - try to short pay them; say shit like, "Baby, my dick action was so good, you should be paying me", shit like that...This again, is a societal thing - A large percentage of the BruthaMans are brokeass, cheapasses and are used to HUSTLIN'....Ask any waitress and she'll tell you, the BruthaMan is known for walking out without tipping or undertipping.

This topic is so OLD and WORNOUT and I have dated 3 Providers over the years and #'s 3 & 4 are the main reasons they told me why LEGIT NBA Policies exist. Get over it, treat women with respect and move on to the one's that will give you a chance and don't FUCK IT UP!!

I once tried to see a 30ish AA Hooker off BP a few years ago with a NWA policy. I called her, told her I was White, she said, "Hell NO, no Crackers, no exceptions, I'm racist!"...LMAO, so there is always that, too...I hung up - NEXT.
needingmilking's Avatar
Manslut hit it in the nail.
Maybe it is her preference. If she doesn't want to see AA then move on. This is like asking why does she not offer Greek. Maybe she doesn't like it. Does there have to be a reason?
Sleepy363's Avatar
1) They like alcohol
2) They don't want to go to the meetings
3) The 10 steps are 9 steps too many.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

[This is the millionth time we've created this thread....
& we've increasing efficient as beating this horse]
The same reason some guys only see asians, and some dont see AA women. Personal preference.
Personally i make my dick available to everyone.
Seriously though, Manslut nailed all the reasons i have heard from providers as well.