Does smell affect performance?

tbone77494's Avatar
Of my last four dates (with 4 different ladies) in 2 of them my little man hasn't performed up to plan. Things basically worked but when I needed a solid piece of equipment to make it in a snug environment I didn't have full cooperation.

There are a couple of reasons that I might blame so the question for you all is are any of these common in your experience either personally or (for ladies) with the gents you entertain:

1) I'm plain getting older and outstanding performance isn't always guaranteed.

2) both ladies where I had issues were repeat visits, maybe third or fourth visit - maybe I'm bored and only like new experiences?

3) the one I actually suspect but find unusual - in both visits with problems, I was really bothered by the smells. In the first, the room at the PI really reeked of old condoms and lube. Both me and my guest commented on the funk. With both ladies where I went soft - they had faint smoker breath even though they claim to be non-smokers. I really hate smoke breath and smell. And both did not have the freshest smelling lady parts either - nothing bad or foul just not freshly washed and scent free.

Just to do a health test I banged the SO this morning and the plumbing worked perfectly well - so the question is do any of you all get so turned off by funky smells that it affects the quality of wood to the point of not working the way you want?
notanewbie's Avatar
I agree and have totally had it affect a session. The breathe is a killer
VitaMan's Avatar
Of course it does.

Think of it this way........would you spend the weekend with a pretty woman that smells real bad......or an ugly woman that smells great ?
Karlie Raines's Avatar
Absolutely affects things. I am 100% a non smoker and I can tell immediately if someone is and it gives me a little pause.

As far as the room goes, for sure the smell gets to you, especially when you have a sensitive nose like I do.

I agree, all ladies should be super fresh for every session. Ladies do have their own natural scents, not to say that they aren't clean, they just have a different scent than maybe you are used to them having.

I always have a shower, mouthwash and other toiletries readily available for use just to ensure we are both in tip top shape.
LexusLover's Avatar
Of my last four dates (with 4 different ladies) in 2 of them my little man hasn't performed up to plan. Originally Posted by tbone77494
If you compared the sessions (perhaps that's what you did) then that would be your answer. "Age" doesn't always have to do with years, but a "refinement" of "tastes" ( as compared when guys are late teens or early 20's and would fuck just about anything that moved on two legs of the female species ... even on the bank of a latrine).
chicagoboy's Avatar
I agree and have totally had it affect a session. The breathe is a killer Originally Posted by notanewbie
They still paid you - right?
I would say smells and scents definitely affect performance. I have a very sensitive sense of smell, and it has the ability to change the session for me. I am a non-smoker, and very sensitive to smoker's breath. It affects my session, because I enjoy DFK, and it is hard to do that and enjoy it when you think the other person smells like an ash tray. I don't like having to fake anything, so it may come across in my performance, no matter how hard I try to not let that happen. In other words, I don't think it is unrealistic to think that your performance may not be affected by smells and odors.
Cleanliness is next to godliness, especially in this business. Hygiene is important, and breath is a huge factor for the experience to be optimal for both parties.
bigclitluvr's Avatar
All you list can affect out come. If it does not feel right, then it probably will not turn out right. I love dfk and oral... but bad scent is a turnoff!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Absolutely! Unattractive scents and pheromones can turn a mood on and off like a light.

Gent or lady, if you partake and see a non-smoker, please try to refrain from lighting up for a while beforehand, and gargle or brush when you arrive. I put extra toiletries out for this reason, as I'm also quite sensitive to tobacco residue. Wear newly-laundered duds, too, please, as clothing can pick up odors quite readily.

To expound on Adina's comment, cleanliness is next to OH, GODliness! Unless someone has washed within the last hour or so and not engaged in ANY subsequent physical activity whatsoever, be considerate and duck under a hot shower stream immediately prior to play. I place a quality fragrance-free body wash within easy reach. I also have gentle exfoliating mitts I'll scrub-a-dub-rub your back and bum with! (Wet foreplay, anyone?) Makes the skin tingle and encourages blood flow for a better jingle.

Frequent bathing is especially important in the summer when Houston humidity just creates a jungle environment in pants and panties.

I love devoting attention to lickably clean body parts and a kissable mouth with fresh breath.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Be careful with them younger providers they are typically more prone to smelling and uncleanliness and usually aren't sensitive enough to know there's an oder.
I would say that anything that is a mood killer could definitely affect your performance.

I've been with more than one guy that this happened to (rw, not hobby.) For instance, my ex was once trying to fuck me in a fetish club, and the music was so loud/distracting, that he totally lost it and we had to stop, lols.

If a gent has bad b.o., etc, I sure as hell don't want to get close to him nor am I feeling particularly amorous at that point.

As far as the bad smelling room, it seems a bit awful to me that even the provider commented on the state of it, but then still stayed there? I would have changed rooms. (Also one reason I keep plug in air fresheners and incense on at my in-call. Having a nice smelling place is just a great way to give an initial good impression upon someone's arrival.)

Ambiance is a huge part to a good session. When I visited a male provider last year for a sesh, his hotel room was horribly messy (complete with dirty towels from his previous johns on the bathroom floor), and I was totally disenchanted by that. So much so, that if I were to write a review on that sesh, I probably would have given him a "no."

So, I don't blame you for not being in the mood and having such issues. Sorry that happened to you!
You can always do a supervised shower. Have her wash up and you watch.
Some people will only rinse while in the shower. They won't use a wash towel or any soap and they believe they've taken a thorough shower.

Make sure she uses these to your satisfaction ......
Buy them brand new and she can keep the items, she can take them
w/her and use them wherever she goes

For me the older I've gotten the more sensitive to smells I've become.
Smokers breath or a less than fresh taco definitely affects the session.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
....Ambiance is a huge part to a good session. When I visited a male provider last year for a sesh, his hotel room was horribly messy (complete with dirty towels from his previous johns on the bathroom floor), and I was totally disenchanted by that. So much so, that if I were to write a review on that sesh, I probably would have given him a "no."
Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
One of the worst sessions of my life was an outcall to a younger fellow at his slovenly pigsty of an apartment, reminiscent of what Victoria just stated. I was afraid to touch a single surface! Kept wondering when the sheets had been washed last. Fortunately, I always carry my own toiletries and an extra towel in my "go" bag. I certainly wouldn't have used anything in his bathroom, and even got out my portable Lysol wipes for his commode and bed. It was an awful experience. (Ugh, my skin still crawls at the thought 8 years later!)

Made a lasting impression on me, alright, and I made a new resolution to never again subject myself to such toxic conditions. Next time I walked into a similar den of disease, I just turned around and left. Better a frustrating wasted trip and loss of cash than an invitation to a germ breeding filth festival.

Next time I walked into a similar den of disease, I just turned around and left. Better a frustrating wasted trip and loss of cash than an invitation to a germ breeding filth festival.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Don't blame you at all! I am stickler for cleanliness and anyone can tell you that I keep my in-call tidy and always smelling nice/inviting.

It's one thing if someone is a pig in their own home (still ugh, but ok), but when providers don't go to such lengths for their accommodations (even if it's a hotel room, you can keep it CLEAN), I just don't get that, I really don't!